What my eye doc told me,,,

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Jul 30, 2010
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I had my annual vision check-up this past week,,,
My Doc admits he's not a rifle shooter,,,
But understands the challenges.

My eyes have changed a bit since the last yearly check-up,,,
So I'm getting a new prescription that should bring me back to 20/20.

A few years back he wrote me a prescription for pistol shooting glasses,,,
The goal was to put the front sight of my pistol in focus,,,
It worked very well so I asked him to update it.

He did write the updated 'scrip and I should have them in a week,,,
Along with the new bi-focals for everyday wear.

I told him that this spring I'm going to concentrate on long distance rifle,,,
And asked him what type of 'scrip would go with a rifle scope,,,
Imagine my surprise when he said to not wear glasses at all.

Even though he's not a shooter himself,,,
He does know quite a bit as it's "part of his job".

He told me to adjust the focus of the scope so the reticle is clear without glasses,,,
He asked me if the actual image was ever out of focus,,,
I told him the target was always clear to me.

He said that if I'm able to get a clear focus on the reticle,,,
That I would not benefit at all from the glasses,,,
Just to use good clear shooters glasses.

He did say that the adjustment to get a clear reticle might max out the scopes limit,,,
But in all cases if I can get a clear reticle there's no reason to use glasses.

So I came home and refocused all of my scoped rifles without glasses,,,
I was able to get a clear reticle in all of them.

As soon as weather permits,,,
I'm going out to test this new to me technique.

The other thing we discussed was the slow progression of cataracts in both of my eyes,,,
They really don't seem very bad at all as I can still drive comfortably at night,,,
But he said they are progressing and I should start to consider surgery.

Now here's what I didn't know about cataract surgery,,,
When they replace the lenses they can also correct a lot of vision problems,,,
He told me that in a large percentage of cases the patient no longer needs reading glasses.

It's certainly not guaranteed but in his experience more than half get much better sight.

Now he wasn't urging me to do this,,,
In fact he said he was only telling me this for my future consideration,,,
But he did perform a "refraction" test and I fell into the range where my insurance will cover it.

Man would it be nice not to have to wear these dang bi-focals,,,
I am not going to jump out and get cataract surgery,,,
But it's nice to know that when it's necessary,,,
It could improve my overall vision.

Just musing on this new info.




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May 19, 2010
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S E Okla
Last eye exam told me I was in the beginning stages of cataracts. That was 2 years ago. I was near sighted for most of my life. Lately I can see better without glasses at distances I needed glasses for except reading. Been wearing bifocals for a while.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Just had cataract surgery on my left eye. Now 20/20. The Dr asked when I wanted to do the other eye. We had a discussion about that. With bifocals, I have 20/10 vision in the right eye. Easily read the smallest letters on the eye chart. He said I would have 20/20 after the surgery which would actually worsen the vision in my shooting eye, so told him that if/when the vision in that eye deteriorated to 20/20, I’d go for the second surgery.

Glock 'em down

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May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
I have an astigmatism in my left eye. When I first started wearing glasses (about 30 years ago) they were funny looking becsuse the left lens was all thick while the right lens had no Rx at all in them.

Now that I'm older, my right eye has gotten worse, but it's still better than my left. I hafta close my left eye completely when shooting.

As for them bi-fuklers ye speak of? Nah, I can't wear em. My glasses are just single vision. I do have a pair of glasses that are just for reading that I use at work doing all my reports and such.

Good luck to you brah!

Chief Sapulpa

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Apr 9, 2011
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Where they bust the sod in South Tulsa County.
When I needed cataract surgery in 2011, I told the surgeon I was a shooter and right eye dominant. Within 2 weeks I had both cataracts removed. He tuned my right eye for maximimum distance vision while my left eye was for carity between 18" and 30'. The brain compensates like monovision. I only need reading glasses for really close-up work/reading.
I hope you don't get floaters from the cataract surgery. I did and eventually had to have vitrectomy surgery to remove the floaters; definitely worth it.

Calamity Jake

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May 19, 2010
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Okla. City
I'm in my 70's, have worn glassed from the age of 3, have always shot with everyday glasses and never
had any problems using scopes, I have a pair of single vision glasses for iron sight shooting.
Use your glasses, for safety, you don't want to lose and eye!!!


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Mar 1, 2006
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Enid, OK.
Quiz your doctor carefully before the surgery. I have had both eyes done. He told me my distance vision would definitely improve (it did). He did NOT tell me my near vision would go to hell, but it did. I used to be able to read a newspaper or magazine with no glasses at all. Not anymore!!!!! I also have astigmatism in both eyes. He told me they could fix that for an extra $1K per eye, which medicare/insurance would not cover. He also told me they could correct my vision to 20/20 with no eyeglasses, again for another $1K per eye out of my pocket. Ask all the questions you can imagine before going forward with the surgery. I am definitely NOT 100% satisfied with my results. Best of luck!

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