Sustainability - An Overview of multiple threads

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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
The point I was trying to make is that stealing and murdering your neighbors isn’t a plan (your own words), at least not one conducive to living very long. And yes, I do know some folks in Pink, and I know for a fact they are more than ready to defend themselves – and they have a plan. So again, theft and murder isn’t a workable solution, only preparation and cooperation is. I would humbly suggest you start trying to make some friends of your neighbors and not sit around trying to figure out who you’ll go raid first. That will not work.

And the point he was trying to make was there have been people who survived things much worse than we can imagine doing just that.


Aug 14, 2012
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The point I was trying to make is that stealing and murdering your neighbors isn’t a plan (your own words), at least not one conducive to living very long. And yes, I do know some folks in Pink, and I know for a fact they are more than ready to defend themselves – and they have a plan. So again, theft and murder isn’t a workable solution, only preparation and cooperation is. I would humbly suggest you start trying to make some friends of your neighbors and not sit around trying to figure out who you’ll go raid first. That will not work.

Mike 60, Im a realist, thats my personality. I know the difference between prepping and being a survivalist. Ive lived in Pink a long time, i know a lot of people here, i know all of my neighbors. They know me as well.

Im not a raider, never insinuated im anything other than a guy who lives in a rural area. I dont have vast stores of grain, dont stockpile guns, ammo, water. I dont build bunkers or worry about defencive positions or feilds of fire. Im not that kind of prepper.

I dont worry about TEOTWAWKI, ive thought about it though, just not real enough for me prepare for.

If the forum wants to have threads about "sustaining" something, thats not my decision. It might be good.

But your sidetracking the thread and talking about Pink, neighbors and how i "survive" is ******** talk. I asked the OP some questions, you answered them, for yourself. So please dont worry about how im perceived in my community, ill be fine.


Special Hen
Jan 15, 2011
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And the point he was trying to make was there have been people who survived things much worse than we can imagine doing just that.

I’m sorry BB, but he isn’t implying some historical sense that others have done that, or worse. He is saying “I Prescribe…NO RULES…steal or kill.” He has also made similar statements in several other threads implying his willingness to commit murder at the first sign of trouble. This literally means that this is his choice of tactics for getting by during bad times, and is not something forced upon him by circumstance. If he lives in Pink that undoubtedly means he lives on an acreage. If so, then it is simply laziness or a low moral standard that he doesn’t prepare for rough times. If he really feels any conviction that bad times are coming then at least buy a d@mn goat and some chickens before plotting to murder someone.

I will concede many have gotten by doing stuff like that in the past. But, I would suspect that an outsized majority percentage of them ended up dead at the end of a rope or with a hole in them, versus those who lived via cooperative means. I’m honestly surprised that you would defend those kinds of actions from someone.
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Aug 14, 2012
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So, it's all just a bunch of BS to you. Got it, I understand where you're coming from now. :thumb:

Your starting to take things out of context and your also making some ass-umtions. If you think the end is near, im ok with that, prep how you want. If you think me and my merry band of raiders will go all Attilla the Hun on Pink Oklahoma and plunder her richs, go ahead and think that. Build a Community and prepare for my wrath.

In the absence of rules or law, every person will do anything to survive. You might not do anything to survive, but then you wouldnt last too long either. This is Selco's philosophy, the one i prescribe to. The one you take out of context and thats why you hold these ass-umtions about me.


Special Hen
May 17, 2009
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Oklahoma City
I am simply suggesting that if there is enough interest in this, we could collectively put together over time a comprehensive list of ways for people to become self sufficient in a sustainable manner, in a variety of areas of life. I realize this forum might now be the best place to do something like this. I see the number of people watching the classifieds or in other forum areas vs the numbers here in this one. If you look at the date I joined this forum and the small count of posts I had, you'll see I have been around for a while but not participating. I found a few toys I was interested in and once I found the right piece of land, I went into full prepper mode. I just don't have time for sitting in a chat room or on a forum.

The list of suggestions for this thread, that is not some random list I pulled from some other site, or from a book. Those are things I am doing myself, each and every one of them, and a lot more. I realized early on that few people, even those that call themselves preppers are really aware of what it takes to become totally self sustainable, I have spent the last 3 years researching things like this. No one person can be master of all of these skill areas. It takes a community.

I realize not everyone has this mindset, I wish more people would. The more prepared, really prepared people there are out there, the fewer there are that are trying to beat down my door and take what I have. I am fully prepared to do what is necessary to defend what I am building. I am not doing this alone, I already have a community of people, families that share the same concerns I do. I have recruited them from a variety of areas, people with important skill sets, people that are capable of working together now towards a common goal.

I think in terms of a collapse, most people don't see it ever getting that bad, it's get that bad, not here, not in America! I had second thoughts about putting the word 'collapse' into my introduction. If you choose not to believe it could get that bad, so be it. People are waking up though, you see the crap on MSM programs like DoomsDayPreppers and so on. I would probably fit on one of those programs, but I am not so stupid as to open my doors to the world and show them what I have. I have deleted a lot of type sitting here now, trying to be careful as to what I am saying.

To quote a guy who I look up to, "Helping you live a better life, If times get tough, or even if they don't."

If there is an interest, I will willing to share the knowledge I have. I know there is a of knowledge we have as a collective. This is just a way to try and organize that. If we can't learn to work together now while things are "good", how can we ever hope to work together when things, how shall I say it, are not so good...


Special Hen
Jan 15, 2011
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Your starting to take things out of context and your also making some ass-umtions. …In the absence of rules or law, every person will do anything to survive.

Nothing is taken out of context and I’ve included a few following snippets of your posts to prove my point.

Groups can also be formed into "raiders". In the absence of laws, anything goes. Im about surviving….

How are you possibly surprised about my opinion?

I think theres a few people on OSA that would be solid candidates for a group…. .

Recruiting I guess.

…whenever i think about total collapse type of scenario's, i just keep thinking NO LAWS, NO RULES, ANYTHING GOES…. dont think for a split second, that me… wouldnt kill you because….you have something i need to survive another day. .

To me, that seems to be a pretty straight forward declaration of intent if some disaster was to occur.

Im taking advantage of NO LAW, NO RULES and ridding my area of potential umm threats.

This is the one that really got my attention when I read it. Particularly, since some of those folks I spoke of in Pink are very close and dear to me.

… This is Selco's philosophy, the one i prescribe to….

You seem to hold to some Mad Max scenario based on the Selco story. But despite your recent declarations to contrary, I am convinced, if something did happen this would be your initial inclination.


Aug 14, 2012
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Mike 60, taking snippets from other conversations and omitting the context in which i said things is ********. It shows your ignorance as well. Your trying to paint me as something im not to prove some fantasy point.

Go on your way.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
**sigh** Lurker, I gotta tell ya man ... I've been where you are -- Judging by the insinuations in the postings going on here I suspect I am STILL where you are. We don't play well with others, we talk about things that make the "collective" uncomfortable (even while they joke about those things amongst themselves) and we tend to live our lives our own way. Oh, and we get our chores done early so we can play around on the world wide interwebz ...

Face it, man ... you are a liability ... You probably don't even have $8K to plunk down for a piece of the prepper dream, do you?? Tell the truth ... Can you even shoot a Mosin-Nagant?!?!? ;)


Aug 14, 2012
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Ive got nothing. I dont know how i managed to survive this long. I cant even afford a potato let alone land. Whats a Mosin? Anyway, i haveta go break the ice for Attilla horses, we've got to raid Little Ax for winter supplies and I have to swing by the casino. They troops want to make some deposits.

People suck.

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