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  1. 5175

    NRA certified training, SDA education NE OK

    We tailor our instruction to meet the unique needs of youth, women, seniors, new, and experienced shooters alike—because your success defines our success as instructors. For new shooters and those seeking to enhance their knowledge or skills, we provide training in one of four indoor classrooms...

    Tallywacker Size and Gun Ownership

    You know you've heard this before, but at least 1 study shows the opposite is true, small unit, more likely to support gun control and not own firearms.
  3. CGS1


    Show Date Oct 6th – 7th, 2018 Rating City/State Ada, OK Hours Saturday: 9:00am - 5:00pm Sunday: 9:00am - 4:00pm Admission General: $7.00 Children 12 & under: Free when accompanied by adult. After 3:00pm on Saturday, admission will be good for Sunday. Description The Ada Rifle & Pistol...
  4. skyhawk1

    Firearm videos

    Ok the guys at & have started their own video website. Free to use just sign up. Not sure where to post this, Admins feel free to relocate if need be.
  5. dreasen25

    Local Gun Shops Worth Recognizing in OKC and *Tulsa

    So I have been curious of this for some time, and with all the members on this forum I am hoping there will be a lot of good information shared on this thread. I know about the bigger gun ranges that also specialize in gun sales (Wilshire Gun, H&H, etc.) but I am curious what are some of the go...
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