It was windy but no excuse not to be outside enjoying the day after several mechanical mishaps.. Did a little range repair, added a couple 3"plates and painted then Put 400 rds thru the new M&P .22 compact and not a single hiccup.. Federal hp, Blazer sp and Aquila sp.. It sure is a fun lil gun that begs to be blastin.. Fine tuned the zero on the 15-22 red dot, Not too fond of RDs with my aged eyes but it saw 100 rds.. Got the spitfire on the pc 9 on the money and enjoyed 3-15s and 2 -33s with it.. After a nice dinner grabbed the "Colt" M-4 .22 and went out and burned another 150 rds.. I sure do like the fixed 6x PA scope with the acss reticle.. The horseshoe around the dot just makes hitting target easy.. It brackets the target, head shot and clays, a damn nice reticle..