My grandson loves when I get spam calls. He is learning how to deal with them and thinks it is hilarious.If I'm in a particular mood, I'll ask if they are nekkid? Do they have nekkid pics? Do they want some?The guys, I ask if they prefer camels, goats or their mom? Usually sparks a loud tirade. One told me he had never seen a camel. "Oh, how is goat sex?" He laughed, then hung up.A black woman called once for Advantage. She kept pushing, would not shut up. Finally I say, "I call the Prince of Darkness to curse you, may your days be filled with misfortune." She screams, started crying and me begs me not to that. I hung up on her. The next morning, she called back, crying. Says she had flat, going home. Sitting on the side of road, her car got hit. She got home and her cat was dead. I asked if she needed insurance and hung up.The Advantage calls really torque me. I started acting interested and asked the company. Have them mail me all info. (printing and mailing cost) They usually include a postage paid envelope, which I mail back. (Post Office needs the money)I write on the forms, "IF I am ever interested in your RIPOFF SCAM, I will contact you, which will never happen. I have filed a complaint with State Insurance Board, my Congressman and Senator.Then, go to their website page and Fascist Book page and leave a crap review. Those haven't called back.
My grandson loves when I get spam calls. He is learning how to deal with them and thinks it is hilarious.
If I'm in a particular mood, I'll ask if they are nekkid? Do they have nekkid pics? Do they want some?
The guys, I ask if they prefer camels, goats or their mom? Usually sparks a loud tirade. One told me he had never seen a camel. "Oh, how is goat sex?" He laughed, then hung up.
A black woman called once for Advantage. She kept pushing, would not shut up. Finally I say, "I call the Prince of Darkness to curse you, may your days be filled with misfortune." She screams, started crying and me begs me not to that. I hung up on her. The next morning, she called back, crying. Says she had flat, going home. Sitting on the side of road, her car got hit. She got home and her cat was dead. I asked if she needed insurance and hung up.
The Advantage calls really torque me. I started acting interested and asked the company. Have them mail me all info. (printing and mailing cost) They usually include a postage paid envelope, which I mail back. (Post Office needs the money)
I write on the forms, "IF I am ever interested in your RIPOFF SCAM, I will contact you, which will never happen. I have filed a complaint with State Insurance Board, my Congressman and Senator.
Then, go to their website page and Fascist Book page and leave a crap review. Those haven't called back.