You’re exactly right! Tulsa is a cesspool with the current and last mayor’s being ridiculous little liberals, well Bynum was a rhino but both will do whatever it takes to raise taxes and move everything they can to downtown/GREENWOOD & north. Screw the the black Wall Street crap nobody wants to even walk down that way much less shop there. Okay Rant over!Where the current "Events Park" is located. 21101 101st Street. East of NSU and on the eastern side of 364. There's a popular fishing pond there, parking and places for families to picnic, etc. They're shutting all that down for the amphitheater. The Broken Arrow city council are irresponsible clowns. They're destroying a pleasant little community and turning it into a crowded sewer not unlike Tulsa (which is deliberately being turned into a larger sewer like Denver).