Holy mother of God. This bill would make you liable for a gun some dirtbag stole from you for a year after it was reported stolen, or until the dirtbag got his own policy on the firearm (wait...wut?) It also creates a registry, since before you can transfer a firearm, you would be REQUIRED to call the buyer's insurance company to 1)verify coverage and 2)tell them about the gun, including serial number. Failing to comply carries a $10,000 fine PER FIREARM.
There are several other goodies in this bill... have a look. The overreaching crap these antis are pulling just confounds me. Do they think we won't say anything? That there won't be any consequences?
There are several other goodies in this bill... have a look. The overreaching crap these antis are pulling just confounds me. Do they think we won't say anything? That there won't be any consequences?