Big Red River striper

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Special Hen
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
Moore, OK
Yeah, I got mislead by the headline as well...

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The Red River paid off big Monday for Jim Tinsley of Dodson, La.
Tinsley landed this 41 pound, 2 ounce striper while fishing with Red River Striper Guide Norman O’Neal of Denison, Texas.
“After a long day, battling wind gusts of over 50 mph, we finally set anchor on top of some really good fish,” O’Neal said. “His first fish was a 15-pound striper and then this monster slammed his rod.
“At the same time, another fish on the opposite side of the boat buried a rod, and never slowed down, but eventually came unhooked. Not being able to break the anchor free, Jim had a 25 minute battle on his hands in heavy current!
“We seen the fish three times and it was almost in the net, but it would spool the rod every time it seen the boat. Finally, after an exhausting fight, the monster was in the boat.
“This is the biggest striper that has ever been landed by a customer of mine.”
Tinsley released the fish back to the river after weighing it.
The state record striped bass is 47 pounds, 8 ounces, caught on the Lower Illinois River in 1996.

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