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Hello just wondering if there are many casters around the Duncan area.  I have been casting for a few years in the calibers of 357 and 44.  I use mostly brass and alum molds.  I have one steel mold that I haven't casted with yet.  I use the NOE alums and brass molds from Accurate and Mihec.  The steel mold I have is Hensley Gibbs #50.  I use Lee electric pots/furnaces, I have a ten pounder bottom pour that I seldom use, then more often used Lee 20 pounder bottom pour with a PID.  I use the Lee 20 pounder dipper furnace to preheat ingots.  I have considered ladle casting but haven't gone that route just yet but have everything to venture into that when I get back to Duncan.  Most of the time I use COWW or COWW/Pure 50/50.  Also collect quite a bit of range scrap but haven't casted anything with it yet.  Been assembling an assortment of reloading dies with the intent of experimenting with different resizing of brass diameters and expanding cases to find optimal reloading case prep.  So far have RCBS, Redding and Hornady Duracromes in 357 and 44 for this adventure.  Also experimenting with Redding Profile crimps and the  Lee Factory Crimp dies.  The Lees are not Carbide crimp dies.  Lee Factory Carbide Crimp Dies are problematic with over sized cast bullets.  Also use Lyman M dies for expanding and currently awaiting some custom expanders from Old Buffalo Arms/Molds to expand cases just a touch more than the Lymans are capable of.  My guns have had cylinders reemed to .358 and .431.  I use either Lee push throughs or Magma Star resizer to size to .359 and .431.  Also planning to experiment with some newly acquired Pat Marlin Alum gas checks.  Also wondering if anyone has committed to acquiring a Magma Master Caster pot.  Would like to see what 575 dollars gets you in a 40 lb bottom casting pot.  Thanks for reading and look forward to seeing what others are doing.

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