This.Would a reasonable man not condemn the bombing of abortion centers or public assassination of abortion doctors as terrorism?I've said it on here before. I am a Christian, and I am fairly active in my church. But I also know to do my own research and not take a pastor's word as gospel. From my perspective, it seems that the younger the pastor, the more willing they are to push a political agenda. In fact, I've heard more than a few talk about supporting freedom, liberty, and anything to stop abortion/gambling/drugs/alcohol/premarital sex/dancing/etc. (Okay, maybe not the dancing part... but I'm also a Baptist and can make Baptist jokes.)
Would a reasonable man not condemn the bombing of abortion centers or public assassination of abortion doctors as terrorism?
I've said it on here before. I am a Christian, and I am fairly active in my church. But I also know to do my own research and not take a pastor's word as gospel. From my perspective, it seems that the younger the pastor, the more willing they are to push a political agenda. In fact, I've heard more than a few talk about supporting freedom, liberty, and anything to stop abortion/gambling/drugs/alcohol/premarital sex/dancing/etc. (Okay, maybe not the dancing part... but I'm also a Baptist and can make Baptist jokes.)