Civil War-Is it possible?

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Aug 25, 2006
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Rogers County
I believe it is possible while not probable....I wonder why the new TV show "Last Resort" was dropped from programing...A Navy Sub Capitain took a position opposing the President....I do not believe it was cancelled due to low viewer count....the question I have is---will the government turn troops loose on American citizens---the answer is will either be killed or escorted to FEMA camps....just like the New Orleans folks...

I thought last resort was coming back in january????

Serenity Bushcraft

Special Hen
Sep 7, 2009
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Our rights have been stripped away faster than any of us know. Fear of (fill in the blank) and a "promise" of safety is all it takes to get the sheep to willingly throw away their God given FREEDOMS. We have gone from the single Greatest Nation that the world has ever seen to a society of weak minded, uneducated, lemings. If there is not a sense of instant gratification, or sweat is involved, or actual research is involved then it is not worth our time. I say **** THAT. Civil War is not only probable but in my opinion it is needed, it is time to clean house. Where is your line in the sand? What will it take for you to stand up, fight and possibly die for what you belive in? I for one am sick and tired of having my rights stripped away because others are "scared of the little brown men with box cutters". I am tired of a government that thinks it knows what is best for me making decisions that are consistently wrong or obviously favor the campaign contributors. WE THE PEOPLE matter, the government works for US. My line has been drawn! And it will be crossed well before they come and try to take my guns. Do not wait untill you see blue helmets patrolling the streets because it will be too late to do anything. Right now they can come and get you, hold you for as long as they want, no trial, no jury, call you a terrorist, ruin your life and WE let that happen. What happens when the government is no longer scared of the people that they are supposed to serve? That is right we are all going to be screwed. Thomas Jefferson said something along the lines of " The great thing about the 2nd Amendment is that is will not be needed untill they try to take it away". We are guaranteed the right to own arms capable of raising a militia capable of fighting a war, a modern war!
Call it social engineering or global manipulation or just plain old bad luck but we have somehow managed to put the single most corrupt group of politicians into office that we as Americans have ever seen. vote to limit the terms of ANY political office. Vote to eleminate the electoral collage. Vote!!!! There should be no such thing as a carreer politician. Hold our elected representives accountable for their decisions. Hold them to the letter of the law that they impose upon us. If they will not be held accountable then they must go. Limit the power of the federal government and give the power back to the states, just like it was origionally intented.
There may not be a war, but there will be civil unrest. It is a tactic to scare the "sheep" into willingly giving up more and more of their rights. Why go to war over something that the scared masses can be tricked into giving up without a single drop of blood. Hitler started in a very similar way!

PS I am sorry for all the spelling errors. PPS I am sorry that I feel that I have to say that I am sorry for the spelling errors. PPPS I forgot what I was going to say.


Sorry that I went on this rant.............I guess my blood sugar was a little low! But we all need to be ready for that big ol' anything!!!


Special Hen
May 26, 2011
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While its possible, i think its folly to pretend to fight a military. Them boys got some pretty badazzed weapons, including jets, drones, tanks and big things that go really boom.

Not good for a bunch of revolters with ARs/AKs and maybe a .50cal semi or bolt.

The Iraqis and Afghans held their own pretty well. Of course, Americans don't typically run around with a bomb strapped to their chest to "win" either. If a civil war ever came to pass, we would be hurting in a bad way.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
The Iraqis and Afghans held their own pretty well. Of course, Americans don't typically run around with a bomb strapped to their chest to "win" either. If a civil war ever came to pass, we would be hurting in a bad way.

...and for the most part they lived like dogs in an archaic environment. Hard to bomb someone back to the stone age with a B-52 when they are already in the stone age (I lost out on a bronze star for voicing that very sentiment to higher during my last tour before retirement).

Americans are soft, we are not prepared or willing to engage in that type of war....we are far too comfortable.


Special Hen
May 26, 2011
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...and for the most part they lived like dogs in an archaic environment. Hard to bomb someone back to the stone age with a B-52 when they are already in the stone age (I lost out on a bronze star for voicing that very sentiment to higher during my last tour before retirement).

Americans are soft, we are not prepared or willing to engage in that type of war....we are far too comfortable.

I agree.


Aug 14, 2012
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I am soft, yet prepared and have no interest in engaging a platoon of highly motivated, highly skilled, heavyly aremed soldiers with tanks, artillary and air support.

Will soldiers fight against a civilian population? I say they will.


Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty...
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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 5, 2010
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JuneBug OKLA
I am soft, yet prepared and have no interest in engaging a platoon of highly motivated, highly skilled, heavyly aremed soldiers with tanks, artillary and air support.

Will soldiers fight against a civilian population? I say they will.

They were happy to do it during Katrina...


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2009
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The .gov will wind up as the filling in a self-inflicted fecal sandwich. If they 'disarm' everyone, the criminals will decide that it is open season on the civil population. Their choices: A; go after the criminals and finish off the lib com feel-good society they continuously try to create, or finalize the police state some think they want, or B; do nothing and allow society to finally completely collapse. Option B would likely find help from the legions of America-hating countries and organizations.

I strongly suspect the military/LE communities very much recall Yamamoto's sage guidance, regardless of their feelings about their oath.

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