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FINALLY!!!  I got to shoot the Viper. 

The main purpose of today's session was to function-fire the little Colt, with the object of seeing how reliable it was using an ammuntion brand that has given me lots of problems with a few S&W revolvers; namely, Winchester.

I put 96 rounds of WWB 130 FMJ through the Colt and was please to see that they all went 'bang'.

Since this was, like I said earlier, primarily intended to test the reliability with a brand that has harder primers, I didn't pay too much attention to accuracy, but even there the Viper did well.  Since this is a fixed sight fighting gun, the range at which I shot was fairly short (5 yards).  Accuracy was very adequate for the primary purpose of the gun, as I clearly ruined the bad guy's (an NYPD-style silhouette) day.  

I now have a new hot-weather carry gun.

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