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The problem with cologuard or similar test is the amount of false readings. If you test positive for blood in your stool, you still need a colonoscopy, if you get a false negative but later have colon cancer symptoms, you still need a colonoscopy. Get the colonoscopy and be done with it.

My PCP has gone part time, works 3 days a week now. Good for him, bad for me when needing to see him. The office co pay for my insurance is $15, urgent or quick care costs me $75 with my insurance.

I had fluA and strep last month, could not get in to see my pcp, had to go to urgent care, $75 vs $15 made me feel worse LOL.

I see my PCP several times a year, a dentist every 3-4 months, have a appt in 2 weeks to fill a cavity he found in January, did not have time that day.

Appts at dentist are nuts, now I see why theres so many people with bad or no teeth, they go bad waiting for a dental appointment. Dont miss that appt either, it will be 4-6 months before you can get back in.

Dentist, golfers with a hobby,. LOL.

I see an eye doc once a year, shes hot, so I dont mind handing over money. Well my vision insurance covers everything 100%, with only a couple options or upgrades that have a small fee.

The glasses I have now only costs me $80 out of pocket, that was due to a frame upgrade that was over the $50 limit. They eye docs office always wants to argue about what I need to pay, I just point to the insurance list of whats covered and they go Oh, we never see insurance like that. 4 years now you would think they would get it LOL,

Of all the insurance I carry, the vision is the absolute best, I love my vision insurance.

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