I'm the driver for the proud recipient of a colonoscopy today in fact.Interestingly, the laxative they prescribed to take the day before was $160+. Thought, wtf, it's a laxative. Called the Dr. and said this is really expensive is there any other option, and they say, yeah there's a cheaper option, they'll call it in. It's the same drug in a different form I guess (a gallon of stuff), and it was $14. This kind of thing annoys me. It ain't like a new cancer drug. It's a freakin' laxative. So why in the hell would they opt for a $160 option when a $14 option is available that does the same thing?
I'm the driver for the proud recipient of a colonoscopy today in fact.
Interestingly, the laxative they prescribed to take the day before was $160+. Thought, wtf, it's a laxative. Called the Dr. and said this is really expensive is there any other option, and they say, yeah there's a cheaper option, they'll call it in. It's the same drug in a different form I guess (a gallon of stuff), and it was $14. This kind of thing annoys me. It ain't like a new cancer drug. It's a freakin' laxative. So why in the hell would they opt for a $160 option when a $14 option is available that does the same thing?