I shouldn't even join this b/c my Doc is an old friend. We have lunch monthly. Partly b/c I feel guilty that he has to manually send in my refills every 30 days b/c of ******** government/insurance regulation and also because we're not getting younger. It's his staff and the insurance company that gets my goat. Roll in, early, for my physical, get grunted to by Miss personality, and thrust a clipboard with a xeroxed sheet for me to chicken scratch my info on while she returns to her online shopping. Listen sis, I can't read my own handwriting, how about you print off what you've got before I get here, and I'll tell you what's changed or send me a link so I can fill it out online in advance. Clearly you can't, or don't, read it because my new pharmacy is printing a 7 year old address on my prescriptions. Obviously nobody cross referenced the copy of my drivers license either. If you're not going to use it, why do you need it? Also, shouldn't everything auto-populate when you verify my insurance? How exactly is my Schedule 1 prescription being filled for a person with one address and my insurance is to a person with a different address? Isn't the purpose of all this so that only the patient can get the restricted drugs? I have to show ID to pick them up, and nobody yet has questioned why I'm picking up a prescription for a person with my name at a different address than my ID.
I shouldn't even join this b/c my Doc is an old friend. We have lunch monthly. Partly b/c I feel guilty that he has to manually send in my refills every 30 days b/c of ******** government/insurance regulation and also because we're not getting younger. It's his staff and the insurance company that gets my goat.
Roll in, early, for my physical, get grunted to by Miss personality, and thrust a clipboard with a xeroxed sheet for me to chicken scratch my info on while she returns to her online shopping. Listen sis, I can't read my own handwriting, how about you print off what you've got before I get here, and I'll tell you what's changed or send me a link so I can fill it out online in advance. Clearly you can't, or don't, read it because my new pharmacy is printing a 7 year old address on my prescriptions. Obviously nobody cross referenced the copy of my drivers license either. If you're not going to use it, why do you need it? Also, shouldn't everything auto-populate when you verify my insurance? How exactly is my Schedule 1 prescription being filled for a person with one address and my insurance is to a person with a different address? Isn't the purpose of all this so that only the patient can get the restricted drugs? I have to show ID to pick them up, and nobody yet has questioned why I'm picking up a prescription for a person with my name at a different address than my ID.