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They are, and are not. We lost my sis in law to her injuries on Jan 4th. My brother is healing physically, but suffered some severe brain trauma. He has shown quite a bit of improvement, but he is still not there. My niece is still having to wait for her arm to shift down before they can set the bone. To top it off there is a full metric ton of family drama that has pretty much split me off from my mom and sis. I'm pretty much now out of the loop and only get info when I get to go down and visit him.

Yes, he is a combat vet, he is already registered as he lost 40% of his hearing in one ear on one deployment (won't say how, don't blame him). However, my mother, also a vet, doesn't trust the VA and probably hasn't contacted them. Since she is now in control 100% of his care, not much I can say.

Honestly, my only hope is he recovers enough to tell our mother to eff off and takes control of his own life again.

To add insult to injury the OHP cited my brother 50% at fault based on nothing but the other drivers testimony. They even cited him failure to yield to a stop sign that wasn't there (it was a private drive). But I was told my mom is handling it </sarcasm>.

Pretty much I lost my sister in law, brother, sister and mother due to this. I thank ya'll for your prayers and thoughts. It is what it is.

This is why I've been pretty quiet the last month. When I get home I just lose myself in youtube videos, books and my wife and I binge watching NCIS. I'm starting to find interest in talking online, but not sure how much more I might participate. I'm just about ready to get rid of my computer. My only reason most of the time I keep my fb is to talk to a few of my brothers friends and the slim hope he recovers enough to talk over fb again.

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