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Want to lose weight fast.

4 days before my colonoscopy the instructions stated NO` or whole fruit or veggies and no whole grain  NO nuts NO dairy.

Some foods I could eat certain colors of Jello.

I am not eating Jello.

I found on the list what I could deal with.

White rice and boneless skinless chicken breast.

I cooked 6 cups of minute rice and cooked 6 chicken breasts.

No spices on any of it and for drink I had water and sometimes pineapple juice.

That rice and chicken lasted me the 4 days.

I ate 2 meals the first 2 days then just once the last 2 and day five NO food Just water and POO medicine.

13 pounds is what I lost.

I later found it though :)

Kind of felt a little bit of what some of those contestants on Alone must be feeling.

If you have not watched Alone you should.

Many different areas have been "played" in.

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