F. I. F. Y.Daughter got hit on I-44, by a drunk kid, suspended license, that took mommy's car. Closet Trooper was OKC.Or hit his head and bounced off.Happy ending, at least. Better if fat head exploded, but could have been really bad her.South of Houston, there was a country dance hall / beer joint. The Swamp bohemian hangout, Snug Harbor.Sheriff Dept hired a new deputy, 25 yo, 100# female. Was assigned Snug Harbor and she decided to run DUI stops on Saturday night, by herself.They found her around 9:30 Sunday morning, down a side road into the Swamp. She was naked and handcuffed to the back bumper of her patrol car. Radio had been ripped out. Her clothes were not found. Mosquitoes had been having a feast. She quit Sheriff Dept and left the County.
F. I. F. Y.
Daughter got hit on I-44, by a drunk kid, suspended license, that took mommy's car. Closet Trooper was OKC.
Or hit his head and bounced off.
Happy ending, at least. Better if fat head exploded, but could have been really bad her.
South of Houston, there was a country dance hall / beer joint. The Swamp bohemian hangout, Snug Harbor.
Sheriff Dept hired a new deputy, 25 yo, 100# female. Was assigned Snug Harbor and she decided to run DUI stops on Saturday night, by herself.
They found her around 9:30 Sunday morning, down a side road into the Swamp. She was naked and handcuffed to the back bumper of her patrol car. Radio had been ripped out. Her clothes were not found. Mosquitoes had been having a feast. She quit Sheriff Dept and left the County.