How come OK wind turbines arent having issues? It was much colder here than TX. And how can it hurt output seeing that these turbines havent seen wind in 48 hours or more.
More Brietbart fake news
Colder here would keep the rain frozen to snow flake status and warmer there would make freezing rain.
I can see the frozen up issue and I found this .
Below are the top 5 states by wind power generation:
- Texas (17,813 MW)
- Iowa (6,212 MW)
- California (6,108 MW)
- Oklahoma (5,184 MW)
- Illinois (3,842 MW)
California is not putting out near as much as I thought they would be but the Solar produced energy is way up
I also think if you generate power you need to also store it.
But that is another big mess with battery technology.