In the beginning- man discovered when lighting hit a tree it made fire. He figured out how to make a torch by wrapping dry vegetation on a stick and spread fire into his camp/cave and so forth. He then turned this duty over to woman to keep going while he hunted and gathered. Woman used fire to burn dinner regularly which pissed off man and that's when he took over the grill and left women to do something with the fruit and vegetables he would find. Then man noticed that the lightning would catch the dry grass on fire and the wind would blow it across the land. This led to clearing the ground so they could plant seeds and make more crops. Man discovered that prairie fires could be used against enemy tribes who might attack and try to steal his meat burning woman. Now days, these people who start fires are called pyromaniacs: one who for preverse intentions, start fires for excitement and rush of pleasure. Their phobia feels uncontrollable and provides relief by setting fire.