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I was 55 years old before I got a professional career,,,

That funded a 12-13 year buying spree,,,

I definitely indulged myself.   :thumbup3:

I'm like you with nobody to leave them to,,,

No family at any rate.

My best (and only) close friend is 25 years my junior,,,

I've already outfitted his three oldest sons with .22 rifles.

I recently gave two Henry single-shot .22's to a work buddy,,,

He has three kids and promised to join my rifle range.

I outfitted my longest-time friend,,,

With a very nice scoped .22 rifle for his 12 year old son,,,

And gifted his 20 year old daughter with a Ruger LC-9 and a .22 conversion kit.

I have a nephew but he's 60 years old,,,

He hunted as a younger man,,,

But hasn't in many years.

He was never a recreational shooter,,,

His deer rifle got fired once a year to verify the scope,,,

And after that it depended on whether he got a shot at a deer.

My one Brother is a liberal musician,,,

I've asked him if he wants any of my guns,,,

But he's gone all "woke" on me in his later years.

That's funny in a way as when we were all young-uns,,,

He was the best shot of all four of us siblings.

Don't worry about hi-jacking the thread,,,

It's just a general rambling about guns and inheritances and stuff.

I do have a will that states my young friend gets all of the guns I have when I die,,,

He can save them all for his four younger kids,,,

He is the proud father of a Magnificent 7,,,

Or sell them to fund their education.

By that time the S&W's alone should bring quite a tidy sum,,,

The others are desirable pistols as well,,,

Berettas, Rugers, and what-not.



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