Johnson Canyon Road - Kanab, Utah

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Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
Here, but occasionally There.
Wednesday, the wife and I finally got to get out and make a short trip up Johnson Canyon Road, which is about 9 miles East of Kanab. About 16 miles of the trip is on paved road, and one can go further, but on dirt roads. It has turned out to be an expensive trip for just about 150 pictures on my part and 140 pictures by the wife.

We got to the end of the pavement and was going to continue on to a town over on Highway 89, north of Kanab, but the warning dinger and light for a low tire came on. We immediately turned around, thinking that we would have enough time to get back to Kanab. Nope. Got about 2 miles and I sensed a serious pull to the right. Wife looks out the window and down at the passenger front tire and it is already flat and ruined. So, we get to get new tires because they all have about 47,000 miles on them.

But, back to pictures. Just about all of the following pictures were taken from the road because just about all the property out there is private property. This thread will start with 6 posts, each with 4 pictures so that there are an even number of photos per post, thus there will be 24 pictures.

Some will be basically the same subject, but with varying stages of zoom.

These next two are of Eagle Gate Arch.



Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
Here, but occasionally There.
How many of you are Gunsmoke fans? How many of you even remember Gunsmoke? How many of you have never even heard of Gunsmoke? Well, the next few shots are of a movie set in Johnson Canyon where some of the Gunsmoke series was shot. I think they finally quit with Gunsmoke in something like 1975.

Now out of the movie part of things and back to natural beauty.



Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
Here, but occasionally There.
While many of the buttes in the area are reddish in color, there are some that are white, and for some reason are referred to as the White Mountains.

The next photos show what a problem it is when historic things happen to be too close to the road. Here are ancient pictographs that were close to the road and have been joined by modern people leaving their own marks.

More of the White Mountains.



Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
Here, but occasionally There.
In an area named Nephi Pasture, we found a road going off into BLM land, so we went up that way a ways. It was really sandy, so since folks didn't know we were going to be taking that road, we turned back to the Johnson Canyon road. This was taken from up on that sandy road.

We were also interested in the various striations in the rock faces, these next two that were within yards of each other.

White Mountains


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