Just For All You Palin Haters!!!

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Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
I won't provide a link since the online story at The Smoking Gun has one word supposedly uttered by the perpetrator that is not polite in mixed company. So, you get a "sanitized" version just pasted into the thread.

Man Shoots TV Over Bristol Palin Dancing

Suspect surrendered after 15-hour standoff with Wisconsin cops

The Smoking Gun
November 17, 2010

NOVEMBER 17--Like most Americans, Steven Cowan has been perplexed by Bristol Palin’s curious ability to keep advancing in TV’s "Dancing with the Stars" competition.

However, unlike other viewers, Cowan, 66, allegedly became so enraged by Palin’s success that he actually fired a shotgun round into his television, triggering a 15-hour standoff with Wisconsin cops.

According to a criminal complaint, Cowan’s wife called police Monday evening to report that her husband had blasted the TV and was threatening to kill himself. Cowan, who had been drinking, became angry while watching Palin, 20, perform on the ABC program.

As Palin was dancing, Cowan “jumped up and swore, saying something to the effect of, ‘The f**king politics.’ Steven was upset that a political figure’s daughter was dancing on this particular show when Steven did not think that she was a good dancer,” the complaint notes. Cowan is pictured in the above mug shot.

Janice Cowan told Dane County Sheriff's Office deputies that she called 911 after her husband blasted the TV and then pointed the shotgun at her. She added that Cowan warned her that he would kill himself if she brought anyone back to their home in the town of Vermont.

After a lengthy standoff with cops, Cowan surrendered yesterday at 11 AM. He is facing disorderly conduct and weapons charges.

He was sitting in the Dane County jail last night when Palin landed a spot in the “Dancing with the Stars” finals. However, a sheriff’s spokesperson told TSG that Cowan “currently does not have access to television.”

So, I guess that those nasty ole Palins are conspiring to get all the liberals to shoot out their TV's so that Keith Olberman's ratings will drop like a rock..

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