[rant]I guess I'm in the minority. I don't like Palin at all. She quit something she had committed to so she could become a media darling. I find her about as intelligent as my dogs when they are sniffing their own waste. I don't think she has anything to do with the tea party other than some of the organizers have paid her to come out and speak.I will agree that some people adore her. My parents seem to. But at what cost?I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to get a nomination to run for President in the future.[/rant]
I guess I'm in the minority. I don't like Palin at all. She quit something she had committed to so she could become a media darling. I find her about as intelligent as my dogs when they are sniffing their own waste. I don't think she has anything to do with the tea party other than some of the organizers have paid her to come out and speak.
I will agree that some people adore her. My parents seem to. But at what cost?
I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to get a nomination to run for President in the future.