If it was shoved in your window and you tried to shove it out is one guess.Some people just need killing.From the article:"Jazmin Sanders, 28, who lives in a tent in Denny Park, said she saw the incident unfold across the street.She was inside her tent with her boyfriend when she heard some people fighting outside, then multiple gunshots go off, she said. When she came outside, she saw the police vehicle on fire."She didn't see the incident unfold, she was inside a tent until she heard shots fired.
If it was shoved in your window and you tried to shove it out is one guess.
Some people just need killing.
From the article:
"Jazmin Sanders, 28, who lives in a tent in Denny Park, said she saw the incident unfold across the street.
She was inside her tent with her boyfriend when she heard some people fighting outside, then multiple gunshots go off, she said. When she came outside, she saw the police vehicle on fire."
She didn't see the incident unfold, she was inside a tent until she heard shots fired.