Well that was tedious. Took a pin to remove the paper cover then carefully squeezed the cup to release the phosphorus. Only had one of the buggers go off. Oops! Next step is adding a little water allowing me to crush the chunks into a creamy slurry. Then dip the match heads in the red goop and allow to dry. [ATTACH=full]566294[/ATTACH]After drying I’ll need to cover the heads with a little wax, I planned on using Gulf Wax if you have other suggestions please speak up. These things are so volatile, if you put them in a container the little suckers will light off in your pocket by just barely rubbing against each other which is No Bueno.Also dug this old silver match stick holder out of my “neat little container stash” and got it all polished and ready to go. [ATTACH=full]566313[/ATTACH]
Well that was tedious. Took a pin to remove the paper cover then carefully squeezed the cup to release the phosphorus. Only had one of the buggers go off. Oops!
Next step is adding a little water allowing me to crush the chunks into a creamy slurry. Then dip the match heads in the red goop and allow to dry. [ATTACH=full]566294[/ATTACH]
After drying I’ll need to cover the heads with a little wax, I planned on using Gulf Wax if you have other suggestions please speak up. These things are so volatile, if you put them in a container the little suckers will light off in your pocket by just barely rubbing against each other which is No Bueno.
Also dug this old silver match stick holder out of my “neat little container stash” and got it all polished and ready to go. [ATTACH=full]566313[/ATTACH]