IMHO, with the exception of FOX, talk radio and Sharyl Attkisson at CBS, the lib MSM has the "Matthew's Syndrome". Multiple tingles and tinkles run down their legs at the mere mention of O-B-A-M-A.
The Four-Year Honeymoon
Will the press ever give Obama tough coverage?
Jan 4, 2013, Vol. 18, No. 17 By FRED BARNES
"My drift here ought to be obvious. Im referring to the way the media treat Obama. Its not always adoring. Its intermittently fair and even-handed. But overall, whats distinctive about the press coverage of Obama is the absence of fault-finding, criticism, and dogged questioning. And when Obama makes excuses, as he often does, the media tend to echo them."
The Four-Year Honeymoon
Will the press ever give Obama tough coverage?
Jan 4, 2013, Vol. 18, No. 17 By FRED BARNES
"My drift here ought to be obvious. Im referring to the way the media treat Obama. Its not always adoring. Its intermittently fair and even-handed. But overall, whats distinctive about the press coverage of Obama is the absence of fault-finding, criticism, and dogged questioning. And when Obama makes excuses, as he often does, the media tend to echo them."