When to bug out?

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Wild Weasel

Special Hen
Oct 7, 2012
Reaction score
Who is going to confiscate? Can you imagine the logistical nightmare? We can't even get a street fixed and you believe there while be door to door consification? How would it be funded? We have to insert logic in some of these thoughts. As for me bug in poke your head out after 30-45 days then make a decision what's best for the family. Stay where you know your surroundings, you become a better target when you move to a location you are not familiar with on a day to day basis.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Who is going to confiscate? Can you imagine the logistical nightmare? We can't even get a street fixed and you believe there while be door to door consification? How would it be funded? We have to insert logic in some of these thoughts. As for me bug in poke your head out after 30-45 days then make a decision what's best for the family. Stay where you know your surroundings, you become a better target when you move to a location you are not familiar with on a day to day basis.


This what GC tells folks over and over again. (Because they think that because he is a JBT that he gets some super-secret memo every Monday morning ... :rolleyes2) The problem is NO ONE WANTS TO BELIEVE that the chances of something like that happening in this country is pretty remote. They'd serve their time better by trying to figure out why their tomato plants didn't produce **** last year ... but that's not nearly as glamorous ...

There is no "buggin' out" for me unless my home has burned to the ground. And even then I'd lean toward pitching a tent right here and staying put so I could clean the place up and start over. But again, staying put, making things work with your neighbors, regardless of whether they "deserve" it or not and getting by with what you have is so much less glamorous than "buggin' out" ...

Wild Weasel

Special Hen
Oct 7, 2012
Reaction score
They'd serve their time better by trying to figure out why their tomato plants didn't produce **** last year ... but that's not nearly as glamorous ...

Working on that tomatoes were a fail, you know got worry about tomatoes so I can throw them at those gun consficators!


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
They'd serve their time better by trying to figure out why their tomato plants didn't produce **** last year ... but that's not nearly as glamorous ...

Working on that tomatoes were a fail, you know got worry about tomatoes so I can throw them at those gun consficators!

LOL ... I feel ya, but seeing as so many of us lost our guns in boating accidents about 5 years or so ago, I cannot imagine why these folks are all worried about the JBTs coming to get their guns ... Especially the JBTs I know ... It just ain't gonna happen. Yeah, yeah ... I know about Katrina and all the stuff that happened down there but Oklahoma is NOT New Orleans.

I guess that if it ever happens everybody can come along and tell me "I told you so" but I honestly think that working in the community (read: neighborhood), regardless of whether than community is rural, suburban or city, is gonna be anyone's best defense against trouble-makers ... regardless of where those trouble-makers come from. I don't post on this board (or any other) to "recruit" people to my own special little group that will rally 'round me and call me "Queen BB" when things go to **** ... I post to share information (without others having to beg me for it or pass some kind of test to prove they are worthy of the information) so everyone can think for themselves and make the best of whatever situation comes along WHERE THEY ARE ...

I've been around the "survivalist" block a time or two now and folks who:

1. Want to recruit you to a group;
2. Want you to give them money or supplies to "store" for you so you can be in their group; and
3. Are adamant that they have the information you need and they are the only place to get it, if you can just prove you are worthy of their time and trouble

are nothing but pain in the ass. They cause more trouble and share less information than any 12 people who are brand spanking new to prepping and just want to learn and share what they learn.

I've got no patience with folks like that ... Mostly because they waste all of ours time and don't know anything you generally can't figure out for yourself anyway ...

:lookaroun OK ... I think I'm done now ... :bah: Ahhhhh, I feel better now ... :hey3: :rollingla


Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score

This what GC tells folks over and over again. (Because they think that because he is a JBT that he gets some super-secret memo every Monday morning ... :rolleyes2) The problem is NO ONE WANTS TO BELIEVE that the chances of something like that happening in this country is pretty remote. They'd serve their time better by trying to figure out why their tomato plants didn't produce **** last year ... but that's not nearly as glamorous ...

There is no "buggin' out" for me unless my home has burned to the ground. And even then I'd lean toward pitching a tent right here and staying put so I could clean the place up and start over. But again, staying put, making things work with your neighbors, regardless of whether they "deserve" it or not and getting by with what you have is so much less glamorous than "buggin' out" ...

What, No Memo!!!! Then GC aint in the loop. Ive actually seen one of these super secret memo's once, along time ago.

We were on a raid, searching for tomato's. Tomatos didnt produce that year. Anyway, we found this old farmers house, he had a huge garden. We were fillin our baskets and havin a grand ol time, raidin, n murdering n pilliging.

We didnt notice the cops showed up, i tried to run but tripped on my Mosins sling. Almost fell in the farmers underground bunker. Got arrested, went to jail. While i was being charged as a raider, i seen a yellow "sticky". Had Super Top Secret on it.

I read it. I would tell ya what it said, but, well, you know. Id hafta, you know, please dont make me say it. Besides tellin ya would be against the raider code.

Maybe GC can get clearence, then i could tell him what was in the memo. But then he might tell all them secrets.

I might bug out at the casino, tonite, i hear they have tomatos on the burgers.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
What, No Memo!!!! Then GC aint in the loop. Ive actually seen one of these super secret memo's once, along time ago.

We were on a raid, searching for tomato's. Tomatos didnt produce that year. Anyway, we found this old farmers house, he had a huge garden. We were fillin our baskets and havin a grand ol time, raidin, n murdering n pilliging.

We didnt notice the cops showed up, i tried to run but tripped on my Mosins sling. Almost fell in the farmers underground bunker. Got arrested, went to jail. While i was being charged as a raider, i seen a yellow "sticky". Had Super Top Secret on it.

I read it. I would tell ya what it said, but, well, you know. Id hafta, you know, please dont make me say it. Besides tellin ya would be against the raider code.

Maybe GC can get clearence, then i could tell him what was in the memo. But then he might tell all them secrets.

I might bug out at the casino, tonite, i hear they have tomatos on the burgers.

:eek: Hmmmm ... No potatoes AND no tomatoes ... What kind of prepper are you anyway?!?!?

Wild Weasel

Special Hen
Oct 7, 2012
Reaction score
SHEW! BB I think I ducked twice while reading! I have realized in this "prepping thing" you can't be a master of everything. Through friendships other posses skills I do not and visa-versa. I know if the SHTF in a real world scenario that we can rely on each other to help. It's our sense of community that strengthens us. I would hate to be the "bad" guys that would come against us, we think of the same mind when it comes to our "family".


Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
:eek: Hmmmm ... No potatoes AND no tomatoes ... What kind of prepper are you anyway?!?!?

Im the worst kind. Im the reason preppers build communities, stockpile arms and try to find remote locations to hide.

If a tornado hits, ill be there scavaging. Ice storms, im the generater gremilin. I have nothing, but want everything in times of crisis.
I want no friends, i need no friends for I am the DEBIL raider. Your potato's n 'maters are never safe.

Bwaaa Bwaa haahaaaa.

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