My favorite trigger pull...

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 16, 2021
Reaction score
Tulsa, OK
Is the one on my fur missile. I'm no cop, and she's no highly trained attack dog or anything. I adopted her off the street right here where I found her, in a commercial zone on the edge of an old neighborhood. If you've ever been to the outsiders house, it's literally right around the corner. We're across the street from empty, but maintained commercial lots backed up to a treeline, beyond which is a slope going down to the railroad tracks on the other side.

Those empty lots are our "yard", and she Guards them jealously. Maintained well enough to be frequently mistaken as a neighborhood park, (no, this is private property buddy. The park is 2 blocks that way..pack up your **** and get moving!)

The fact that our "yard" is on the other side of a road, and that it's Highly populated by small game and associated predators, necessitated a pretty strict training regiment. I didn't intend to turn her into an attack dog, but the combination of her chase reflex, combined with the necessary obedience training to keep her at heel when off-leash...created a brindle red-headed torpedo that will just quiver at my heel until I give her the launch command. It's an amazing feeling.

The fox pair are our favorite quarry. The larger male will come sit out in the open, as bait...while his mate slips around the other end of the building and waits for the command on the distraction to begin. It's a special love/hate thing between Mr fox, and my Ginger. I think he frequently enjoys the game....and becomes extra bold sometimes. This morning we weren't even outside, when he came and parked his ass across the street. Ginger was so amazing in stepping outside and waiting for me to try to take a couple pictures before checking traffic both ways and pulling the trigger.

He's quicker, but she's faster over the long haul. So what he does is wait until she's barreling down at him from 10' away, and just twists the opposite direction and launches. This gives him the lead he needs to make it into the treeline, which she knows is off-bounds. One of these days she's gonna figure it out, and he's gonna get chest checked with 40-50 lbs disadvantage!


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 16, 2021
Reaction score
Tulsa, OK
This is exactly the same spot where Mr Fox was waiting this morning. Unfortunately, the 2 pics I snapped this morning were next to useless, and generally the chase is on before it's light out.


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