Xbox reverses features for new console

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Special Hen
Jan 14, 2011
Reaction score
I thought for sure they would ride this train to their doom.

I think it was the soldiers who bucked up against them online. Having a system that is "not soldier friendly" is a hard thing to sell when a large portion of your games are first-person war-style shooters.

I would think they would learn from Sony in the whole DRM disaster - there have been very few instances where DRM was successful and actually prevented piracy while not pissing off a significant portion of your users and costing companies much more money than they lost on pirated media. Then again, the Wii just flat-out didn't care about DRM for quite a while and proceeded to make both other consoles their prison-B!#@$ for a bit.

Seems like the best approach is to just put it out there with a minimal amount of DRM and place your trust in your loyal customers (and listen to them). Let the pirates do their thing, but when you convert some of those pirates into loyal paying customers with actual good quality products/service, you tend to fix that problem on a more permanent basis.


"It's still 100 bucks more expensive than the PS4, Kinect is still mandatory (hello NSA), it has weaker hardware, still a huge TV focus and you cannot change the HDD. Stuff like the external PSU and the size aren't helping either. Games will still be noticeably worse without a connection to the cloud, at least that's what Microsoft said so far."


Special Hen
Aug 1, 2008
Reaction score
I was thinking about swapping to ps4 but with that I think ill stay loyal to the Xbox. I don't think I would like loosing all of my achievements haha

I'm walking away from 30,000 GS. I've been with xbox since launch day. The required Kinect killed it for me. I've already got two PS4's on order for launch day. That's $800 MS missed out on.


Dream Master
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
I am sticking with Sony. Always have, always will. I played the first xbox and hated it. The controller is retarded and it didn't impress me. Plus with the playstation you get way better games than does the xbox. I will definitely be getting a ps4 when they come out. And it will dominate the xbox one. But this latest flip flop was all about trying to cover microsofts butt. They new that they were screwed when they pulled that stunt. Most people from what I have read still will not get an xbox. A lot of people are switching to the ps4.


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2011
Reaction score
want your crow and eat it too?!? lol

Microsoft’s Major Nelson said in an interview recently that Sony’s PS4 console isn’t going to make them change anything about their Xbox One system.

The PS4 pretty much beat out the Xbox One in positive press this week with it’s lack of used game DRM, lack of 24-hour check-ins, and price tag. When asked if these announcements by Sony will influence Microsoft and make them change what they’re doing with Xbox One he had this to say:

“I don’t think,… I mean we’re really not going to change anything we’ve done with Xbox One. We’re very happy,… did you see the games on stage during our briefing? Did you see the exclusives? I mean we’re really really proud of the system and the games that are coming out. When you look at games like TitanFall,… have you gone through Titanfall yet? Enough said. Conversation over. We’re really happy with what we showed on stage as well as what we’re showing here in the booth so I think it is uh,… it’s safe to say that we’re confident where we’re going. We’re also confident that gamers are going to love our vision of the future and what we’re going to offer for gaming”

Nelson seems a bit on the defensive here and I feel sympathy for him. I’ve always liked him personally and his job just got a lot harder with all the controversial policies of the Xbox One.

Of course, even if Microsoft planned to change something about the Xbox One in response to Sony’s PS4 they wouldn’t make that decision so quickly and wouldn’t admit it was Sony that influenced it. Still, they seem very proud of everything they’re doing with the Xbox One and hopefully when the system releases they tweak a few of their policies for the better.

B Gordon

Special Hen
Apr 25, 2013
Reaction score
Green Country
A perfect example of typical corporate arrogance.

By the time it actually hits the market the whole thing will have blown over.
Remember that it isn't just the initial sales they depend on for revenue. The Xbox 360 has been selling strong for what, 6 or 7 years? Poor sales would also lose Microsoft most, if not all, of their exclusive game franchises.

Onle way I will consider buying one next year is if I can disconnect the Kinect portion and have the game system still work with non-kinect games. If not, I will take their previous arrogant advice and stick with the Xbox 360.

That sneaky Kinect box is the part that has me saying "Not in my house, NO WAY".


Special Hen
Aug 1, 2008
Reaction score
A perfect example of typical corporate arrogance.

By the time it actually hits the market the whole thing will have blown over.
Remember that it isn't just the initial sales they depend on for revenue. The Xbox 360 has been selling strong for what, 6 or 7 years? Poor sales would also lose Microsoft most, if not all, of their exclusive game franchises.

Onle way I will consider buying one next year is if I can disconnect the Kinect portion and have the game system still work with non-kinect games. If not, I will take their previous arrogant advice and stick with the Xbox 360.

That sneaky Kinect box is the part that has me saying "Not in my house, NO WAY".

They claim you can disconnect it. My trust level with MS says otherwise.


Special Hen
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
Had a xbox loved it no problems. Xbox 360 loved it except for xbox live thing and paying for connection. Then it gets the red ring of death. Didn't last 19 months. Now with the first announcement and all the b.s. now they see they will lose lots of money and decide to change. I'm not buying it. Have to think about the ps4. Just little bit gun shy with my money.


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2011
Reaction score
Certainly there is an argument to be had about internet only devices and companies can obviously choose to go down that road, but inherently you abandon a huge(and I mean HUGE) market of customers that either cannot or do not want internet only devices. There are millions upon millions of customers that fit either of the previously mentioned categories and to abandon those people in the current market is just a dumb business practice(unless you just don't care about that profit potential). Sony has been able to sell 100+ million consoles in their previous iterations(ps/ps2/ps3) because there are users that only play disc based games offline. We wont have internet readily available around the globe for another decade or two(at least). In that same sentiment, Sony has basically killed Microsoft in EU/JPN sales, so maybe MS only cares about the US market, but even the US market is not ready for internet only in all areas.

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