You Ever Have One of Those Weeks?

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OK Corgi Rancher

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May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
I've been trying to sell my house in Olustee for 6 or 7 months. Finally goes under contract last week. Yay!

Day after it goes under contract I get a call from the town maintenance guy..."You've got a bad water leak under your house somewhere. Your front yard is flooded...22,000 gals according to the meter. I shut the water off." Well damn...

Can't find a plumber that wants to work. Double damn...

Real estate agent calls in a favor with her plumber and he comes out to inspect the broken line situation. Yay!

Line is broken in several spots. Can't access it to give a good estimate until it dries out. Triple damn...

I drive over there to inspect the damage inside the house. There is none. All the water went underneath. Yay!

Buyer has inspection scheduled for this coming Friday. Oh, hell no...

I'm hoping the bulk of the damage and plumbing costs are covered by insurance. The realtor and I decided this could actually be a good thing for the buyer...getting all new plumbing underneath and new insulation to boot. We'll see.

I hate those periods of life where it's one crisis after another. I try to keep it in perspective...we're both relatively healthy and have a good life all things considered. These types of problems aren't insurmountable, they're mostly just an inconvenience. I try to remember that I'm very blessed and some folks have much bigger issues that are impacting their lives far more than bad plumbing impacts mine.

Even with the "bad" stuff we're quite fortunate. I just need to be thankful for all the good in my life.


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Nov 25, 2014
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Yep, they pop up sometimes. I have found two very key things that help work through them.

The first is for me to remember "one bite at a time". When the sum of the parts is overwhelming, I have to break them down into segments with milestones and just start shoveling.

The second part is if you are married, have a partner, whatever, their commitment to the team effort is HUGE. I would say outside of getting to hang out with the prettiest of my great friends every day, her willingness and ability to jump in and help manage the curveballs life throws is one of my favorite qualities of hers.

OK Corgi Rancher

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
At least it was under the house and not inside the house. The next “damn” will be when you get your water bill next month. Like you said, things could be a lot worse than a broken water line.

They've already figured it'll be about $160 just for the water portion of the bill. It's usually about $8 or $9.

Yep, they pop up sometimes. I have found two very key things that help work through them.

The first is for me to remember "one bite at a time". When the sum of the parts is overwhelming, I have to break them down into segments with milestones and just start shoveling.

The second part is if you are married, have a partner, whatever, their commitment to the team effort is HUGE. I would say outside of getting to hang out with the prettiest of my great friends every day, her willingness and ability to jump in and help manage the curveballs life throws is one of my favorite qualities of hers.

Yep...I've got one of those. My wife is a real trooper.


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Oct 10, 2020
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Western Oklahoma
I feel for you on the water issues and the bad timing.

Ever had one of them weeks? Since Covid in Nov. 2021, fighting to get back to work after 7 months. It would be such a shock I would possibly go into cardiac arrest if I didn't have one of those weeks. Since that time it has all been downhill it seems but I keep saying it has to start back uphill at some point. I just hope there's not a cliff.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
When our son got his "new to him" house a couple of years ago, we made sure to buy one of those "wrenches" that turns off the water at the meter. Not that he ever needs to use it much, but if he were to do like we did in 2020 and take off somewhere for 3 weeks, the water can be turned off.

Since we live in an RV, and that I heard stories of RV water leaks, we turn the water off to our RV anytime that we leave the RV park. We've had two occasions when a PEX line fitting failed, but fortunately, each time we were home and I could hear the water running.

Too many times I have heard of RV'ers that "got home" to find their water turned off because their neighbor saw water pouring out of the bottom of their RV and turned it off.

Parks 788

Special Hen
Oct 13, 2010
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Bristow, OK
Sound like sorta the issue we went through when we sold our home in Socal to move out to OK. Our home of 19 years was built in about 1965 and seemed to be the only home on the street that hadn't yet had an under slab water lead from teh copper lines. So, get the house ready, put on market and get 3 offers waaaayyyy over asking. We negotiate and settle on a guy to sell to. Part of the negoitation was 60 day escrow and 60 day lease-back. Literally, 3 days after escrow closes I'm standing on the wood floors in my bare feet and it feels really warm. Did some research and everything pointed to a hot water line leak. I felt so bad for the new owners as I felt like we were hiding something until escrow closed and it was not his responsibility to take care of. Luckily he bought a home warranty and the problem was temporarily fixed until we moved out and he did a major kitchen remodel. Dodged a bullet for sure on that one.

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