Neighbor's Dog Attacked One of My Goats

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OK Corgi Rancher

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
My neighbor has a fairly large shepherd mix dog. The dog roams freely. He's around livestock all the time, including a goat for a while (since gone) and cattle/calves. He runs from my Corgis when they try to play with him. I've never seen him act aggressive...but he's still a large dog. My goats roam around and stay very near to the house and barn. I've thought about the dog and considered the safety of the goats but, honestly, I figured he was around calves and the other goat and never seemed inclined to hurt them at all so I pretty much didn't think he was much of a threat. Well, I was wrong...

I went out to put the goats up. I heard an odd noise coming from the pen. I ran out there and the dog had my largest goat, Annie, on the ground inside the shelter and was biting her neck. This dog is probably 85 to 100 pounds, Annie is less than half that. I thought Annie was dead but apparently she was just unconscious or nearly so. The dog saw me after I yelled at him and immediately released and looked terrified. I kicked him pretty good in the ribs and that sent him howling and packing. Annie didn't look good. About a third of one ear is torn off, multiple bite wounds on one upper rear leg/neck/front leg. Very little bleeding externally, no bleeding from nose or mouth. Her tongue was oddly colored and wrinkled like a raisin...something weird I noticed. Doesn't appear to be any broken bones (as in completely broken) but not sure about fractures or anything like that.

It took a while but she seems to be improving. She still can't stand and is in obvious pain. She's calmed down and her really rapid breathing has returned to normal. Her bleating sounds were very hoarse and odd-sounding but that seems more normal as well. Tried to get her to take some water but she wasn't interested. She did nibble a bit on some straw that I put around her to make her a little more comfortable and keep her as warm as possible. Probably get her to a vet tomorrow.

I talked to the neighbor. We're on very good terms and have done each other some pretty substantial favors. But... While talking he tells me this dog has tried to attack another neighbor's goats at least twice before. That sure would've been nice to know before tonight. He also told me he'd do what he needed to do to make the thing right...and I sincerely believe he will. I told him I was definitely going to take the goat to the vet...wouldn't get crazy but I at least want the goat to be evaluated, get some antibiotics and whatever else. Obviously I wouldn't spend a ridiculous amount of money on a goat but I'm at least gonna try to get her well. If that costs (him) a few $$, too f**kin' bad. I told him this goat isn't "just a goat" to me...she's like a pet...just like a dog. He's also said he has a family member that's gonna take the dog.

I use one of my Corgis to round up the goats and send them to their shelter every day. The goats see Izzy and just head for the shelter now...not much herding needed. I'm speculating that Rocko (the neighbor's dog) wandered over, the goats saw him, and started running for the pen. Probably just triggered a predator thing in him and he chased them. He must've chased her for a bit because the chain-link gate to the fence around the house had been pushed only opens outward from the yard. So one or both of them hit that closed gate hard. He chased her around a bit and then got her cornered in the pen. Luckily the little goats are OK.

I can see I'm going to have to re-evaluate how and where I let the goats graze. And that really pisses me off that now I feel like they're in danger on our own damn property. I know there's always a danger from wild predators like coyotes. And my Corgis always alert me when something is on the property. They have a fenced area they can roam at any time and they're surprisingly good watch dogs. But they're accustomed to seeing and smelling Rocko...he's not a stranger so they don't react to him the same way they would something like a coyote.

Anyway, mostly just venting. I don't really care to hear about how I should've shot the dog, etc. That didn't happen and it's not going to now. I'm pretty certain that issue will be dealt with and won't be a problem in the future. It's just infuriating the way some people don't take proper care of animals. I know we live in a rural area but why would you let a dog that you know has a propensity to chase livestock continue to roam? As usual, this is more of a people problem than a dog problem.

OK Corgi Rancher

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 14, 2020
Reaction score
Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
OKCR that is a shame. I think goats are pretty entertaining creatures and can see how a person could become attached to one as a pet. As far as the neighbor goes…..some people just don’t have much sense. Hopes and prayers little Annie makes a full recovery.

And that's exactly what they've become. We're not into goats for money or anything other than just the fun factor. And they really are entertaining. We've only had them a few months and have already become quite attached to them.

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