The RINO Tulsa Mayor on Front Page of Fox News - Trying to limit Trump Rally

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Special Hen Supporter
May 24, 2008
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Oklahoma's COVID reported cases have been climbing steadily for 10 days and currently are more than double the previous high (earlier this week) which were more than 50% higher than they were at the highest points of the lockdown.

Everyone is really just gonna say, "Oh well." Really?

not everyone Doctor.


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Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
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Oklahoma's COVID reported cases have been climbing steadily for 10 days and currently are more than double the previous high (earlier this week) which were more than 50% higher than they were at the highest points of the lockdown.

Everyone is really just gonna say, "Oh well." Really?

The sooner that happens, the sooner things will get back to normal imo, what we've done up to this point still can't be proven or disproven, we can only assume. Did we flatten the curve because we followed along, or would it have flattened anyway during that time? We dont know for sure. It can for sure be proven to have a high death rate on the elderly and those with preexisting, that's black and white and can be proven, the rest of it, assumptions imo.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 24, 2008
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The sooner that happens, the sooner things will get back to normal imo, what we've done up to this point still can't be proven or disproven, we can only assume. Did we flatten the curve because we followed along, or would it have flattened anyway during that time? We dont know for sure. It can for sure be proven to have a high death rate on the elderly and those with preexisting, that's black and white and can be proven, the rest of it, assumptions imo.
This is one humans opinion. I'm going with the CDC.


Special Hen
Apr 24, 2020
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There were 560 hospitalizations in March in Oklahoma. Today there are 211. That is according to the governor on TV in the last 5 minutes.


Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
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Oxford, MS
The sooner that happens, the sooner things will get back to normal imo, what we've done up to this point still can't be proven or disproven, we can only assume. Did we flatten the curve because we followed along, or would it have flattened anyway during that time? We dont know for sure. It can for sure be proven to have a high death rate on the elderly and those with preexisting, that's black and white and can be proven, the rest of it, assumptions imo.

I think you're right about never knowing 'for sure'. But there are clear trends you can look at with regards to early spikes that subsided once distancing measures were put into place. As well as increases in cases that can be contract traced back to gatherings.

My town just reported 162 new cases between four different urgent care clinics. Almost all were college students who had attended greek rush parties in recent months and very few counted against our 'local' numbers because they were legal residents of other places (so the positive test results were counted in their county of residence, even in another state, and not where they were essentially living).


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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The sooner that happens, the sooner things will get back to normal imo, what we've done up to this point still can't be proven or disproven, we can only assume. Did we flatten the curve because we followed along, or would it have flattened anyway during that time? We dont know for sure. It can for sure be proven to have a high death rate on the elderly and those with preexisting, that's black and white and can be proven, the rest of it, assumptions imo.

It seems to me the evidence is gathering that numbers are climbing after reopening. And this is exactly what I have been telling people since the beginning of May... that we won't KNOW if there is an increase in transmission for a few weeks to a month - and here we are, with notably climbing numbers. As for "Well, we're testing a lot more," I can tell you, in my county, I don't think we're testing all THAT much more, and in fact our community respiratory clinic set up specifically for COVID testing has been much slower and our individual clinic of 6 providers which covers probably 1/3 of the county population, is not doing any more than during the peak of the outbreak, and maybe less.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 7, 2009
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It seems to me the evidence is gathering that numbers are climbing after reopening. And this is exactly what I have been telling people since the beginning of May... that we won't KNOW if there is an increase in transmission for a few weeks to a month - and here we are, with notably climbing numbers. As for "Well, we're testing a lot more," I can tell you, in my county, I don't think we're testing all THAT much more, and in fact our community respiratory clinic set up specifically for COVID testing has been much slower and our individual clinic of 6 providers which covers probably 1/3 of the county population, is not doing any more than during the peak of the outbreak, and maybe less.

Yep, the data indicates a clearly rising spike that coincides with Phase III reopening and the protests. Johns Hopkins tracks the percent positive tests which eliminates the argument of increased testing identifying more cases. The percent positive has been rising since June 1st (Phase III re-opening).


Are you serious?
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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 31, 2013
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Logan County
Hummm...Maybe because we are in the middle of what is likely the most important election campaign in the last 90 years?

I get that . . . but I also feel that he could take a huge step as an actual leader by postponing this for a few weeks.

The media drumbeat continues unabated as usual without fact, history, or reference driving otherwise normal people to extreme acts of cowardice, capitulation, and compliance.

How so? I mean specifically related to the rally?

The dem campaign of riots/looting/blm has accelerated until quite recently, at great expense to people and communities though great success for their finances. (In case you hadn't heard, BLM donations go directly to the DNC through their "Act Blue" organization). Diben hasn't been out of his basement for 76 days and counting.....wonder why?

Yeah . . . that part is definitely jacked up.

We're in the 4th month of social distancing/lock-downs etc with much improved testing so it's not really a surprise, nor should it be, that identification rates are going up. What's the fatality rate doing?

Fatality rate hasn't grown . . . but while not a huge percentage, our percentage of positive cases has almost doubled.

PS - In my opinion, moving "good guys" out of downtown will only encourage "others" to fill the space. "“Horror vacui”.


If folks want to camp out for entry let them.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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But isn't the whole "social distancing", "wear a mask", and other such measures meant to "flatten the curve" so that hospitals don't get overwhelmed? Are they anywhere near "overwhelmed"? No. And they never have been (outside of a few metro areas in other parts of the country). In the beginning of this fiasco, that was the whole intent and purpose. But somehow our nation of Nancies have morphed this into "you have to wear a mask, or you want people to die", or some other such nonsense that they believe that the mask-wearing, social-distancing, avoiding crowds, etc. is going to STOP the virus from spreading. It won't, and it's going to have to run its course. The whole idea was to keep the hospitals in a state that they could treat the sick, and even with the rising numbers, our hospitals are in no way packed to the gills with COVID patients.

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