House Weighs Bill to Make Gun Permits Valid Across State Lines

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Special Hen
Dec 17, 2010
Reaction score
Spring, TX
I agree that this is a long time coming. States requirements should be standardized so that one can legally carry in all 50.

I dont know what we are going to do about places like DC and Kommiefornia and other places that are very strict on gun legislation.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 22, 2009
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H.R. 822 -- A Trojan Horse?

Some well-meaning, but in my opinion very misguided pro-gunners are working to pass a bill that could turn into a Trojan Horse for more gun control.

Of course, I'm talking about H.R. 822, the so-called "National Reciprocity Act," which could open the flood gates of gun control.

I'm calling it the National CCW Registration Act.

While the idea that all states should recognize a concealed weapons permit is sound public policy, the use of the anti-gun federal bureaucracy to implement it is simply foolish.

Once the Federal Government is in the business of setting the standards for concealed carry permits, it's only a matter of time before they start using that power to restrict our rights.

Now you may hear arguments that this bill doesn't do that, and maybe that's true ... for now.

Even worse, once this bill starts moving, anyone can amend the bill with anything ... and no legislation can bind a future Congress in any way. And that doesn't count what Obamacrats in the Department of Justice might dream up as the "regulations" to carry out the legislative "intent."

I know many of you are frustrated that you can carry in some states but not others -- I'm frustrated, too.

I carry concealed every day, everywhere I go, and have worked to expand the ability of citizens to carry in dozens of states.

I believe I should be able to carry concealed -- without a permit -- in all 50 states. That's what "bear arms" means. Believe me, that's a long-term policy goal for the National Association for Gun Rights.

But mark my words, H.R. 822, the National CCW Registration Act, will become nothing more than a Trojan Horse for even more federal gun control.

I understand that many who support this bill sincerely just want their right to carry respected -- but cannot due to the fact that their state or another won't do the right thing.

But the devil is truly in the details... and the details are where H.R. 822 gets sticky.

This bill isn't just about the right to carry for self defense -- it's a battle over the role of government and the ability to restrict our Second Amendment rights.

Once gun owners let the Obamacrats start mandating whether states recognize permit reciprocity, they will want to mandate what it takes to get and keep those permits.

We're talking about:

•More onerous standards to acquire a permit, so that only FBI agents can pass muster (look at New York's permit system);
•Higher fees;
•More training requirements;
•A demonstration of "Need" for a permit;
•More frequent renewal periods;
•Federally-mandated waiting periods;
•A national database of all permit holders, accessible by Attorney General Eric Holder;
•An extensive, federally-created list of Criminal Safezones, where only criminals will carry and where law-abiding gun owners are vulnerable;
•The list of potential problems is endless.
Not to mention this legislation would shred the Constitutional Carry provisions that are on the books in Arizona, Alaska, Vermont and Wyoming.

It doesn't stop with just concealed carry. They'll co-opt the bill to expand the national Brady Registration Check system to block military veterans with PTSD or individuals with misdemeanor convictions from even OWNING firearms -- much less use them for self defense.

I don't believe the intentions of the bill sponsors are intrinsically bad -- they're just naive and misguided.

Many statists in Washington will co-opt H.R. 822 as part of their grab for more federal power and less individual liberty.

Even now, the statists in Congress are trying to adopt a National ID card, complete with biometric data that they've forced the states to conform to their mandated drivers license "standards." The National Association for Gun Rights has been part of a group of liberty-minded organizations that have passed state legislation forbidding cooperation with the federal National ID.

While many in the institutional gun control lobby will tell you this is a step forward for CCW permit holders, make no mistake, the National CCW Registration Act is a misguided attempt to protect our rights.

It's like asking the fox to guard the hen house.

They will use this bill as the foundation to create a federal database of CCW permit holders. And then they can link it everywhere the Feds have database connections -- state police, doctors and insurance companies under Obamacare, and Medicaid/Medicare.

I'm sorry, but I refuse to entrust my liberty and privacy to a "trust us, they won't do that "approach to dealing with Obama, the gun-grabbers or frankly most politicians of either party in Washington.

I need you to make some noise, right now!

Not tomorrow. Not later today. RIGHT NOW.

Please call your Congressman at 202-224-3121 and relay the message that gun owners oppose H.R. 822, the Trojan Horse gun control bill. Make clear that you want to keep the Federal Government's hands off the state-run CCW permit system.

If you'd prefer to email them, you can find the link to your Congressman here.

It's imperative that we stop H.R. 822 -- the National CCW Registration Act -- before it gathers steam and support.

Liberal Republicans and so-called "conservative" Democrats are looking for an easy "pro-gun" vote to give them cover before the next election.

A Trojan Horse gun control bill like H.R. 822 is exactly the kind of legislation that will get support on both sides of the aisle in Washington D.C. And remember, the Democrat-controlled Senate has to pass it before it gets to Obama ... so this bill will only get worse.

That's why you and I have to make noise, now!

Please call your Congressman at 202-224-3121 (send an email, too; you can get that link here) and relay the message that gun owners oppose H.R. 822, the Trojan Horse gun control bill. Make clear that you want to keep the Federal Government's hands off the state-run CCW permit system.

Thank you for joining me in this important fight against the National CCW Registration Act.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Director

P.S. Please help me expose the National CCW Registration Act for what it is: Trojan Horse gun control. Please chip in $15 or $20 to help the National Association for Gun Rights keep fighting the gun banners in Washington D.C.



Special Hen
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
H.R. 822 -- A Trojan Horse?

Some well-meaning, but in my opinion very misguided pro-gunners are working to pass a bill that could turn into a Trojan Horse for more gun control.

Of course, I'm talking about H.R. 822, the so-called "National Reciprocity Act," which could open the flood gates of gun control.

I'm calling it the National CCW Registration Act.

While the idea that all states should recognize a concealed weapons permit is sound public policy, the use of the anti-gun federal bureaucracy to implement it is simply foolish.

Once the Federal Government is in the business of setting the standards for concealed carry permits, it's only a matter of time before they start using that power to restrict our rights.

Now you may hear arguments that this bill doesn't do that, and maybe that's true ... for now.

Even worse, once this bill starts moving, anyone can amend the bill with anything ... and no legislation can bind a future Congress in any way. And that doesn't count what Obamacrats in the Department of Justice might dream up as the "regulations" to carry out the legislative "intent."

I know many of you are frustrated that you can carry in some states but not others -- I'm frustrated, too.

I carry concealed every day, everywhere I go, and have worked to expand the ability of citizens to carry in dozens of states.

I believe I should be able to carry concealed -- without a permit -- in all 50 states. That's what "bear arms" means. Believe me, that's a long-term policy goal for the National Association for Gun Rights.

But mark my words, H.R. 822, the National CCW Registration Act, will become nothing more than a Trojan Horse for even more federal gun control.

I understand that many who support this bill sincerely just want their right to carry respected -- but cannot due to the fact that their state or another won't do the right thing.

But the devil is truly in the details... and the details are where H.R. 822 gets sticky.

This bill isn't just about the right to carry for self defense -- it's a battle over the role of government and the ability to restrict our Second Amendment rights.

Once gun owners let the Obamacrats start mandating whether states recognize permit reciprocity, they will want to mandate what it takes to get and keep those permits.

We're talking about:

•More onerous standards to acquire a permit, so that only FBI agents can pass muster (look at New York's permit system);
•Higher fees;
•More training requirements;
•A demonstration of "Need" for a permit;
•More frequent renewal periods;
•Federally-mandated waiting periods;
•A national database of all permit holders, accessible by Attorney General Eric Holder;
•An extensive, federally-created list of Criminal Safezones, where only criminals will carry and where law-abiding gun owners are vulnerable;
•The list of potential problems is endless.
Not to mention this legislation would shred the Constitutional Carry provisions that are on the books in Arizona, Alaska, Vermont and Wyoming.

It doesn't stop with just concealed carry. They'll co-opt the bill to expand the national Brady Registration Check system to block military veterans with PTSD or individuals with misdemeanor convictions from even OWNING firearms -- much less use them for self defense.

I don't believe the intentions of the bill sponsors are intrinsically bad -- they're just naive and misguided.

Many statists in Washington will co-opt H.R. 822 as part of their grab for more federal power and less individual liberty.

Even now, the statists in Congress are trying to adopt a National ID card, complete with biometric data that they've forced the states to conform to their mandated drivers license "standards." The National Association for Gun Rights has been part of a group of liberty-minded organizations that have passed state legislation forbidding cooperation with the federal National ID.

While many in the institutional gun control lobby will tell you this is a step forward for CCW permit holders, make no mistake, the National CCW Registration Act is a misguided attempt to protect our rights.

It's like asking the fox to guard the hen house.

They will use this bill as the foundation to create a federal database of CCW permit holders. And then they can link it everywhere the Feds have database connections -- state police, doctors and insurance companies under Obamacare, and Medicaid/Medicare.

I'm sorry, but I refuse to entrust my liberty and privacy to a "trust us, they won't do that "approach to dealing with Obama, the gun-grabbers or frankly most politicians of either party in Washington.

I need you to make some noise, right now!

Not tomorrow. Not later today. RIGHT NOW.

Please call your Congressman at 202-224-3121 and relay the message that gun owners oppose H.R. 822, the Trojan Horse gun control bill. Make clear that you want to keep the Federal Government's hands off the state-run CCW permit system.

If you'd prefer to email them, you can find the link to your Congressman here.

It's imperative that we stop H.R. 822 -- the National CCW Registration Act -- before it gathers steam and support.

Liberal Republicans and so-called "conservative" Democrats are looking for an easy "pro-gun" vote to give them cover before the next election.

A Trojan Horse gun control bill like H.R. 822 is exactly the kind of legislation that will get support on both sides of the aisle in Washington D.C. And remember, the Democrat-controlled Senate has to pass it before it gets to Obama ... so this bill will only get worse.

That's why you and I have to make noise, now!

Please call your Congressman at 202-224-3121 (send an email, too; you can get that link here) and relay the message that gun owners oppose H.R. 822, the Trojan Horse gun control bill. Make clear that you want to keep the Federal Government's hands off the state-run CCW permit system.

Thank you for joining me in this important fight against the National CCW Registration Act.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Director

P.S. Please help me expose the National CCW Registration Act for what it is: Trojan Horse gun control. Please chip in $15 or $20 to help the National Association for Gun Rights keep fighting the gun banners in Washington D.C.


An excellent point.


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
I agree that this is a long time coming. States requirements should be standardized so that one can legally carry in all 50.

I dont know what we are going to do about places like DC and Kommiefornia and other places that are very strict on gun legislation.

Why should the federal government force the states to recognize licenses from other states? What's the precedent to support your opinion?


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Driver's licenses?

That's not a federal law. That is an independent agreement among the several states, similar to what we have for concealed carry reciprocity now.

In fact, a federal law is not really necessary. Good arguments can be made with Article IV §§ 1-2 of the United States Constitution. Of course, that depends on the courts to make the right decision... something they've failed to do since Corfield v. Coryell, which is why we have the Privileges or Immunities Clause in the Fourteenth Amendment that Ron Paul wants to repeal.
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
Reaction score
OKC area
Driver's licenses?


So we hate it when people make the driver's license requirement comparison to gun ownership requirement argument (you need a license to drive a car, but not to buy a gun), but it's ok to use it when we are talking about concealed carry reciprocity between the states?

Integrity of argument fail.

The Federal government has no authority or right to mandate CCW reciprocity amongst the states. It's not it's job. To allow it/cheer for it just because it has something to do with guns because 'gunz are cool and sh$t' is sorta narrow minded.

(not flaming you Twmaster, I used to think the same way. Now my position, like a good politician, has "evolved", LOL)


Dec 5, 2005
Reaction score
To those who support this law, where in the Constitution do you believe the national government is given the power to make this type of law?

^^^^This,but it's all moot because it will NEVER pass both Houses much less will this pres. sign it into law.Also,as has been mentioned,the federal government making state law is a slippery slope.

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