Can George Zimmerman Get a Fair Trial?

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Special Hen
Dec 22, 2012
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by Angel Rodriguez
Clash Daily Contributor

Human beings have always been divided. Since the beginning of time there have been the “haves” and the “have nots”, the “blacks” and the “whites”, the “North” and the “South”. With the exception of Adam and Eve’s time, BEFORE the apple, I cannot think of any period in our history where mankind was not divided. Sadly, division is a way of life.

That being said, in this great country we have a legal system that is setup to be fair and impartial. Trial by a jury of your peers is in essence a “voting” panel for a criminal proceeding. It is up to the “politicians”, the lawyers, to pick favorable representatives for their causes while getting the opposing lawyer to agree with their selections. It is an interesting dance indeed.

So do you think that political stance, or any of the aforementioned points, will factor into the George Zimmerman\Trayvon Martin murder trial? I do. There is absolutely not a shred of doubt within me that political affiliations, race, religion, financial status and many more factors will massively play into the George Zimmerman trial. From the very first day that this story made national news America was divided.

I have debated this story with people from every which angle possible. Having grown up in a predominantly Latino and Black area, most of the people I know have automatically sided with Trayvon Martin. You know, he’s a young black man that was targeted by a white man with a gun, then shot and killed in cold blood.

I’ll be completely honest here, when I first heard the story my reaction was exactly the same. I had a moment where I wanted Zimmerman’s head on a platter. However, unlike my brethren, I quickly realized the error in my thinking. My stance changed, not in favor of either of the two men, but in favor of the facts and what really happened.

Recently I saw a post where someone wrote about how upset they were when they learned that Zimmerman may be have been the one who’s screams for help were heard in the 911 police audio recording. The post read something along these lines: “I’m so upset to learn that the screams that you could hear may have been George Zimmerman’s. That killer may end up getting away with murder.”

The person that wrote this is of Latina descent and her entire wall came out in support of her view while expressing unrelenting hate for George Zimmerman. Never mind the fact that this information regarding the screams may be proof that Zimmerman didn’t want to kill Trayvon Martin and was being attacked. These folks don’t care about the facts, they are set in their views and they want the white guy to be wrong regardless of the truth and what really happened. No matter what the law says, George Zimmerman will be at fault here.

It works both ways though. There are some people that decided that Zimmerman was in the right and that Trayvon Martin was just a criminal thug right from the offset. Before knowing any concrete facts, these decisions were made solely on race or other prejudices and are just as biased as our friends above.

The question is, given these types of divisions, can George Zimmerman get a fair trial? My stance remains the same as it was before, I want the truth to come out and justice to be served. Regardless of what that may entail, the truth should be the deciding factor here. Not emotions, not your political alliances, not your race and not your financial or social status. The truth, that is what shall set you free.


It won't be long now. Will it be a fair trial? Will there be fair coverage? How many will be surprised by the evidence that comes out and will it change any minds? And if he is found not guilty, will there be wide spread riots?


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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I have debated this story with people from every which angle possible. Having grown up in a predominantly Latino and Black area, most of the people I know have automatically sided with Trayvon Martin. You know, he’s a young black man that was targeted by a white man with a gun, then shot and killed in cold blood.

And they're still getting it wrong. "Growing up in a Latino and black area", you'd think he'd know the difference between a "White" guy and a "Latino". Will there be fair coverage? Nope. Particularly to a demographic that isn't even involved.

So seeing that the press still is pushing a false narrative - no. Zimmerman can't get a fair shake. He'll be crucified to placate the masses, so as to avoid the dipsh*ts buring down their own neighborhoods. Again.


Dec 10, 2008
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There's no way he'll get a fair trial. That being said I'm torn, I have no doubt that his story is at least partially true. I'm also young enough to have been harassed by the unofficial neighborhood security, and I imagine that if one of them had been "unbalanced" like he seems to be, I could easily have ended up like this dumba$$ kid.


Special Hen
Dec 22, 2012
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And they're still getting it wrong. "Growing up in a Latino and black area", you'd think he'd know the difference between a "White" guy and a "Latino".

So seeing that the press still is pushing a false narrative - no. Zimmerman can't get a fair shake. He'll be crucified to placate the masses, so as to avoid the dipsh*ts buring down their own neighborhoods. Again.

I think in that part of the story he is repeating the initial narrative, the one that had him initially wanting Zimmerman's head on a platter. You know, the one who said it was a young black kid (with old pics to prove it) who was targeted, stalked (even after being ordered not to), and then killed in cold blood by an older, bigger, white guy.


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2008
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And they're still getting it wrong. "Growing up in a Latino and black area", you'd think he'd know the difference between a "White" guy and a "Latino". Will there be fair coverage? Nope. Particularly to a demographic that isn't even involved.

So seeing that the press still is pushing a false narrative - no. Zimmerman can't get a fair shake. He'll be crucified to placate the masses, so as to avoid the dipsh*ts buring down their own neighborhoods. Again.

This I lean toward being close to what will happen. They will preach he got a fair trial but I wouldn't be surprised to see a guilty verdict either. Mainly b/c all the media hype on this has keep strong to the innocent little boy murdered story. They refuse to publish or acknowledge the kid was not so innocent. If he gets off there will be some problems for sure, sadly this is the reality we face. For some reason certain "types" can't seem to control themselves when things don't go their way or they feel their entire group has been wronged somehow. Too many past events to prove this as well.


Special Hen
Jun 9, 2009
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I firmly believe that Zimmerman didn't intend to kill anyone that night, that he wasn't hunting the black kid.

I think the whole thing was one giant mistake and it makes me sad.

None of which changes the fact that if Zimmerman had stayed in the car as he'd been instructed, no confrontation would have occurred. If Zimmerman wasn't carrying a gun - a neighborhood watch is prohibited from doing - the shooting wouldn't have happened.

Only two people know what actually happened when they met up, and one of them is dead. I don't think Zimmerman in a racist murderer. I think he's a man who made a huge mistake. And I do think he's going to get convicted. Whether that's "fair" or not is another conversation.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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Fair trial??????? Depends on if you agree with the verdict. Will basically come down to who has the BEST, most convincing lawyer.

Riots, absolutely. And what do the idiots prove by destroying their OWN neighborhood. Would be like the neighborhood committee in Moore creating a tornado machine and then testing it on Moore. Except, Babba will send them all a check to rebuild and pay reparations.

The ONE thing that should come of this is the OUTLAWING of rental cops / armed neighborhood watch. True, not ALL LE are good cops, some target specific groups, ie teenage boys, black, white, brown, red, yellow, green. A rental cop / REAL cop wannabe, untrained and released on the public with a gun AND A BADGE? and then the public wants to act surprised when this happens.

Then we have a young black man, in a black hoodie, expelled from school, in a white neighborhood, after dark, in the company of a known felon, running from a patrol vehicle, then hiding and attacking the 'patrol'. NAH, nothing wrong here.

A RENTA-COP, instructed to observe, NOT be armed, NOT to follow, radio in description and location, then WAIT for the REAL COPS; decides to go armed in FOOT pursuit while outnumbered and in the dark.

and then EVERYBODY is surprised at an unfortunate outcome?

The trial will NOT turn out well, regardless of the outcome.

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