Clarence Thomas considering retirement

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Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK

According to some he has been considering retirement after the elections this year. This could really be a horrible blow to this country if Hilary wins. She will nominate two liberals right off the bat should she win against Trump. God help us. It really seems as if this country is doomed. I have had a bad feeling for quite some time that trump is going to lose to her. I pray he doesn't but with how stupid people are in this country I wouldn't doubt it. All I know is if she does win our country is finished. If you are religious you need to be praying for this nation. Scary times. God bless America.


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Aug 16, 2012
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East of Tulsa
Pretty obvious many here on this pro 2A site are not concerned about this, its no big deal to many, look at their posts.

Bush III did not win so they keep promoting the bashing of Trump, keep feeding ammo to the Rinos in Congress. You never know, they might be able to help bash Trump completely out of the race. Woopie, we won would be their celebration at the same time with the rally of illegals.

If all goes well with the establishments plan, we might have an election with just one candidate, Hillary. Unless the establishment can find a way to slide Jeb back in by default to run against her to look like we had a choice of a fair election where the people decided..


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Aug 16, 2012
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East of Tulsa
Well I have to say, I feel I do know about Hillary, we have had a strong history since her days in Arkansas of what kind of people she would push for a SCOTUS nominee.

I have to say I do not know about Trump. What if he might not be as bad as she absolutely is and try to put a different type of Real American in place.

What if the establishment and the Rinos are afraid of this also. Might they be concerned about their money and power?

Yep, go with the known, be afraid of an unproven politician, can't trust anyone but an established politician ya know.

Most likely 3 and possibly 4 will be replaced this next presidential term.

Look who the Rinos are. They can not support the person their party accepted to run and won the majority of the votes from their parties registered to vote members.

Lets keep beating him with the hammer and try to get Bush III back in the game, I am sure he is smarter and more PC. Kinda Fishy.


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Aug 7, 2009
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I'm very concerned about this. The next POTUS will shape the country for the next 20 or 30 years with Supreme Court nominations. And, any damage to our liberties during that time will be damn near impossible to reverse. Trump is certainly not my preferred choice for the POTUS but Hillary would be a disaster for those who believe in the Second Amendment and limited government.


Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
Well I have to say, I feel I do know about Hillary, we have had a strong history since her days in Arkansas of what kind of people she would push for a SCOTUS nominee.

I have to say I do not know about Trump. What if he might not be as bad as she absolutely is and try to put a different type of Real American in place.

What if the establishment and the Rinos are afraid of this also. Might they be concerned about their money and power?

Yep, go with the known, be afraid of an unproven politician, can't trust anyone but an established politician ya know.

Most likely 3 and possibly 4 will be replaced this next presidential term.

Look who the Rinos are. They can not support the person their party accepted to run and won the majority of the votes from their parties registered to vote members.

Lets keep beating him with the hammer and try to get Bush III back in the game, I am sure he is smarter and more PC. Kinda Fishy.
I have said before that Trump has nothing to gain by becoming president. He is filthy rich, famous, 70 and has a great family. With a very young son, Baron. I just don't believe he would put his family through all of this just to say " I made it all the way to being the president". All their lives have been significantly altered because of him running. And it will be even worse if he wins. I think he is running because he is sick and tired of watching this country go further and further down the toilet. He is tired of watching us lose with illegal criminals, lose to Isis, and lose to China with trade. This country has become so PC it is sickening. The fact that trump isn't and has never been a politician infuriates people. It's not his positions, it's him they hate. He is going against everything the establishment stands for. I for one am darn happy about it. Love him or hate him, trump is our only hope to turn things around in this country. If he loses, we all lose.

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