200 Musicians Sign ‘Billboard’s Open Letter to Congress For Gun Control

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Dec 31, 2015
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What is funny is the so called love and understanding libs keep screaming "take the guns" When the issue is generally political, religious
or like this case mental illness.
This kid had obvious signs he was headed no where good, yet the teachers, the school admins, care takers and his peers all ignored his clearly disturbing behavior.

Actually the FBI was alerted months ago. They were too busy chasing Russia/Trump.

LIES! FBI Says They Could Not Identify “Nikolas Cruz” after YouTube Threats — BUT HIS PROFILE AND NAME WAS ALL OVER SOCIAL MEDIA!
February 15, 2018 by Jim Hoft
Florida officials including Republican Governor Rick Scott and Attorney General Pam Bondi joined local officials again Thursday morning in Parkland, Florida after the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
During the Thursday morning briefing the local FBI chief made comments on the YouTube threat shooter Nikolas Cruz made online in 2017.

Nikolas Cruz, the suspect in Wednesday’s horrific massacre at a Florida high school, was allegedly reported to the FBI in September after he left a comment on a bail bondsman’s YouTube channel saying that he was going to be a “professional school shooter.”

Nicolas Cruz posted this comment on YouTube.

The former student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School had previously been expelled for disciplinary problems prior to the mass shooting that left 17 people dead.


On Thursday morning the local FBI chief Robert F. Lasky responded to reports of the online threat by killer Nikolas Cruz.

Chief Lasky then was asked about the threat by reporters.

Lasky: “We do not know if it was the same person. We, through our database checks, we could not positively identify him. We’re going back. We’re scrubbing the information. We’re looking at it again. I am not willing to say at this time that it was the same person.”

The YouTube comment was posted by “Nikolas Cruz” – spelled with a ‘K” – and yet the FBI now says they didn’t know if it was the same person?

Killer Nikolas Cruz used his real name on YouTube.
The threats were made in September.

Killer Nikolas Cruz ALSO used his real name on Instagram where his account is loaded with several photos of Cruz in a mask with a gun.
His Instagram account stretch back to 2015 through 2017.

The FBI either ignored the threat or need better investigators.



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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I'll bet Blake Shelton didn't sign this. LOL.
Truth be known, some of the persons signing this petition probably didn't want to, but did so to preserve their livelihood.
In the hollywood/showbiz world, you'd best fall in step with them or your gigs disappear, or greatly diminish.
You will believe the way they want you to believe or pay the consequences.
The 1st amendment only goes one way with them.....their way.


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Dec 26, 2016
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Actually the FBI was alerted months ago. They were too busy chasing Russia/Trump.

LIES! FBI Says They Could Not Identify “Nikolas Cruz” after YouTube Threats — BUT HIS PROFILE AND NAME WAS ALL OVER SOCIAL MEDIA!
February 15, 2018 by Jim Hoft
Florida officials including Republican Governor Rick Scott and Attorney General Pam Bondi joined local officials again Thursday morning in Parkland, Florida after the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
During the Thursday morning briefing the local FBI chief made comments on the YouTube threat shooter Nikolas Cruz made online in 2017.

Nikolas Cruz, the suspect in Wednesday’s horrific massacre at a Florida high school, was allegedly reported to the FBI in September after he left a comment on a bail bondsman’s YouTube channel saying that he was going to be a “professional school shooter.”

Nicolas Cruz posted this comment on YouTube.

The former student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School had previously been expelled for disciplinary problems prior to the mass shooting that left 17 people dead.


On Thursday morning the local FBI chief Robert F. Lasky responded to reports of the online threat by killer Nikolas Cruz.

Chief Lasky then was asked about the threat by reporters.

Lasky: “We do not know if it was the same person. We, through our database checks, we could not positively identify him. We’re going back. We’re scrubbing the information. We’re looking at it again. I am not willing to say at this time that it was the same person.”

The YouTube comment was posted by “Nikolas Cruz” – spelled with a ‘K” – and yet the FBI now says they didn’t know if it was the same person?

Killer Nikolas Cruz used his real name on YouTube.
The threats were made in September.

Killer Nikolas Cruz ALSO used his real name on Instagram where his account is loaded with several photos of Cruz in a mask with a gun.
His Instagram account stretch back to 2015 through 2017.

The FBI either ignored the threat or need better investigators.

WOW, Had not seen that yet!! Unbelievable!!


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Dec 31, 2015
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The FBI Keeps Missing Mass Shooters


Associate Editor

3:56 PM 02/15/2018

Revelations that the FBI had been warned about Florida high school shooter Nikolaus Cruz fit an all-too-familiar pattern, in which apparent law enforcement errors have preceded mass murders.

The FBI was warned about Cruz after he posted on YouTube saying he was going to become a “professional school shooter.” The agency said they couldn’t identify the user who made the threat, despite Cruz posting under his own name. Five months later, Cruz pulled the fire alarm at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and began shooting his former classmates with his AR-15.

Other mass shooters and terrorists were similarly on the FBI’s radar — or should have been — before they carried out their deadly attacks.

Dylann Roof, who in 2015 shot nine people at a black church in Charleston, was allowed to purchase his weapon in part because of errors by FBI agentsduring the background check process, the agency said.

Pulse shooter Omar Mateen, who pledged allegiance to ISIS before killing 49 people at the Orlando nightclub, similarly seemed to have fallen through the cracks. The FBI investigated Mateen twice before the slaughter but ruled him not a threat both times.

The FBI knew that Fort Hood shooter Army Maj. Nidal Hasan had been in contact with al Qaeda terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki, but declined to investigate him. A congressional probe found that the FBI had failed to alert the Army about Hasan, and that the shooting could and should have been prevented. Hasan killed 13 people and wounded dozens of others in the 2009 shooting.

The FBI similarly missed opportunities to stop Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of the brothers behind the 2013 Boston Bombing, a government review found. Russia warned the United States that Tsarnaev had associations with Islamic terrorists, leading an FBI-led task force to question the future terrorist. The agent who interviewed Tsarnaev closed the probe “having found no link or ‘nexus’ to terrorism.”

The task force was alerted a year later that Tsarnaev was leaving the country for Dagestan but declined to interview him or stop him from leaving the country. FBI agents later said the failure to interview Tsarnaev was a “huge” error, according to Boston Magazine.

Another school shooter who was on the FBI’s radarkilled two students at a New Mexico high school just two months ago. Although the killing doesn’t meet the government’s definition of a mass shooting, the shooter was known to the FBI. The agency investigated the shooter, 21-year-old William Atchison, in 2016 after he commented online about committing a mass shooting.



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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Seems like the most recent common denominator in these shootings is the FBI and it's current crop of incompetent politicians leaders. Maybe it is time for some control of the DOJ, in the way of house cleaning/pink slips.
With do-nothing Jeff Sessions in that position, ain't nuffin gonna happen.

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