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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
You and others have falsely claimed that Georgia wants to destroy their dominion machines and the only evidence for that was a TRO. Period.

I'm not telling anyone to STFU. I'm asking for factual evidence on THIS topic: Manipulation of the votes cast on electronic ballot marking machines. To date, there has been zero evidence presented in the public forum, nor in any court case that we've seen that supports the claim that the final vote counts were changed electronically via Dominion machines or that the corresponding paper audit ballots produced by those machines which would back up the change in the vote total were fabricated and secretly deposited in ballot boxes at precincts all over Georgia.

Georgia just did a full audit/recount wherein every vote total was compared to the paper ballots on hand, by hand, precinct by precinct. A third count, a machine recount of those paper ballots, is under way right now. If the CIA, Russia, China, Venezuela and the Democrats all colluded to set up a massive cyber fraud system and bring the Governor of Georgia and the Secretary of State on board to help deliver Georgia for Biden...who, when, where were the corresponding paper ballots created? Where is the evidence that that occurred?

From the State government's perspective, the election is mostly over unless a court of law tells them otherwise. The vote is certified and they have another, very high profile, election coming down the tracks that they have to get ready for. The only thing they appear to be doing is getting ready for it.

More untruths and more examples of how false narratives grow and spread.

Georgia commissioned a third party forensic audit of random voting machines across the state after the election. They used a company named Pro V&V, and conducted the audit in cooperation with the Department of Homeland Security and other cyber entities. Pro V&V is certified to conduct forensic audits of this type by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.
When we can't trust the FBI, CIA, IRS, or DHS how do you expect us to believe in a fair and transparent investigation?
I'm sure the Republican party, or the head of the kraken, has requested and reviewed a copy....or maybe they just want to pretend it didn't happen so people will keep sending them donations?

If the kraken has evidence of electronic manipulation of the vote, and creation of the corresponding paper audit ballots (not just IP connections to a Dominion website), they can certainly convince a judge to order another forensic audit. Unless of course the entire legal system is in bed with the ghost of Chavez, China, Iran and the Governor of Georgia.

Why is getting the machines ready for the runoff, which occurs in 35 days, "B.S."?
Read below why.

Once again you keep denying the facts that have been presented in this very thread and others where court cases have been won, Yet your side keeps screaming ITS FAIR! Hogwash! The forensics could be completed by a simple search completed in minutes to download the software/firmware. Any hack can do it. I've already posted a video on this forum where one of the dominion machines was bought at of all places on Ebay for the annual hackers conference. Several looked at it and said a grade school kid could control the machine, and it doesn't have to be done hardwired to the internet. We have amazing things right now that can do that wirelessly. I'm actually doing it now. I'm two rooms away from my router and have access to the devices in my network which I can set up in minutes. I could control any voting machine with a simple wifi setup hidden within the machine and be in another room to control it, or network it and be half way around the world to control all the machines. Not a single cable needs to be attached to a port in a wall.
I'm also communicating with other devices in the home using blue tooth from a distance as we speak. Just another possibility.
I can start my truck using my phone half way across the country and lock the doors. I can access my security cams from anywhere in the world at home using a simple internet connection and my phone.
What in your mind thinks I or others that may have nefarious intentions can't communicate remotely with one of the Dominion units sitting in a polling place to control the results? Here is a big clue. According to published reports that can't be denied by you or anyone else, the voting was stopped late at night with huge margins in favor of Trump coming in and resumed the next morning with a huge spike in biden votes with almost zero being Trump votes which is statistically impossible. Servers and machines have a maximum bandwidth they can't exceed. Only so many people can walk through a door side by side, then the movement stops. Was bandwidth exceeded on the servers? Only a forensic analysis can determine that and the servers were not in Georgia or Pennsylvania so their "audits" are not valid nor do they prove anything at all.
Explain to me how that's not possible when your side won't let our side look at the machines.
Georgia politics is the issue. You think anyone is stupid enough to believe the audit they commissioned was adequate and factual? Can Trumps side see the results or are we to take them for their word?
How about let Sidney's team look into the machines for transparency? How about let Lynn Woods team look at the machines? Your side won't and keep coming up with the lame excuses you just bored me with which was the expected response. Those machines don't need wiped today to be ready for an election two weeks away. They can be reloaded in minutes.

Isn't it amazing that your side are on record bringing up complaints about the dominion voting systems?
Elizebeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar among others complained about the security of the machines in 2019.

"If expressing concern about the security of Dominion Voting Systems equipment is a sign of arrant conspiracy theorizing in November 2020, what does that make erstwhile Democratic presidential candidates Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts for expressing similar concerns in letters to the private equity firms that controlled Dominion and other electronic voting machine vendors in 2019?

Were they ahead of the curve? Conspiracy theory hipsters, dare I say? They were into that conspiracy theory way before you were into conspiracy theory. It’s over now. They’re back onto GMOs.

Or does that mean that serious concerns — as opposed to concrete claims — about the security of electronic voting aren’t terribly far-fetched?
The Dec. 6, 2019 letters were sent to the private equity firms with controlling interests in the three biggest electronic voting machine vendors — Dominion, Hart InterCivic and Election Systems & Software — who “sell and service more than 90 percent of the machinery on which votes are cast and results tabulated,” The Associated Press reported in 2018.

The four signatories to the letters — Warren, Klobuchar, Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon and Rep. Marc Pocan of Wisconsin — were all Democrats. This isn’t surprising, given the letters looked at voting security through the lens of big, bad corporations and “private equity funds [that] operate under a model where they purchase controlling interests in companies and implement drastic cost-cutting measures at the expense of consumers, workers, communities, and taxpayers.”

Four congressional Democrats sent a letter to the owners of Dominion Voting Systems and cited several problems that “threaten the integrity of our elections,” including “vote switching.”

In a December 2019 letter to Dominion Voting Systems, which has been mired in controversy after a human error involving its machines in Antrim County, Michigan, resulted in incorrect counts, Democratic Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Ron Wyden, and Amy Klobuchar and congressman Mark Pocan warned about reports of machines “switching votes,” “undisclosed vulnerabilities,” and “improbable” results that “threaten the integrity of our elections.”

“In 2018 alone, 'voters in South Carolina [were] reporting machines that switched their votes after they'd inputted them, scanners [were] rejecting paper ballots in Missouri, and busted machines [were] causing long lines in Indiana,'” the letter reads. “In addition, researchers recently uncovered previously undisclosed vulnerabilities in "nearly three dozen backend election systems in 10 states." And, just this year, after the Democratic candidate's electronic tally showed he received 164 votes out of 55,000 cast in a Pennsylvania state judicial election in 2019, the county's Republican chairwoman said, "nothing went right on Election Day. Everything went wrong. That's a problem."

The letter continued: “These problems threaten the integrity of our elections and demonstrate the importance of election systems that are strong, durable, and not vulnerable to attack.”

Even the liberal Huffington post has complained about the security of Dominion machines as far back as 2010.
EXCLUSIVE: On Heels of Diebold/Premier Purchase, Canadian eVoting Firm Dominion Also Acquires Sequoia, Lies About Chavez Ties in Announcement
Canadian-based Dominion Voting Systems has quietly announced its second acquisition of a major U.S. voting machine company in as many months and, right out of the gate, they’ve lied about it. Not an auspicious beginning for the company which may now, virtually overnight, have become the dominant private e-voting machine company in this country.

In our recent breaking coverage detailing the SEC’s fraud lawsuits filed against Diebold and a number of their top executives — including their former Chief Financial Officer who, as we reported exclusively back in 2007, was the top earner from an apparent insider sell-off at the company just days before its stock would plummet from its all-time high on the announcement of spinning off their troubled election division to a “new” company renamed Premier — we noted that Diebold/Premier’s assets had recently been purchased by a small Canadian firm by the name of Dominion Voting. But Dominion hasn’t stopped there.

Their purchase of Diebold/Premier’s assets was actually made from ES&S, the world’s largest voting machine company, who was forced to divest of the assets they’d purchased from Diebold (previously, the second largest voting machine company in the country) for $5 million last year, as part of an anti-trust suit settlement with the DoJ.

In our coverage, we noted the comment of Dominion CEO John Poulos who, in the company’s press release [PDF] announcing the Diebold/Premier asset acquisition, stated ominously: “We are extremely pleased to conclude this transaction, which...will allow Dominion to expand its capabilities and operational footprint to every corner of the United States.”

Indeed, the DoJ-scuttled ES&S merger with Diebold/Premier had been legally challenged since, among other reasons, the merger of the largest e-voting company with the country’s second largest would have given a single company control of at least 70% of all votes cast in the nation.

What we had replaced for length, however, with the ellipses in Poulos’ quote above, was this [emphasis added]: “We are extremely pleased to conclude this transaction, which will restore much-needed competition to the American voting systems market and will allow Dominion to expand its capabilities and operational footprint to every corner of the United States.”

How much is Poulos actually interested in “restor[ing] much-needed competition” for “the American voting systems market”? Apparently not so much, as according to a company press release [PDF] quietly issued late in the afternoon on Friday, June 4th, Dominion has now also acquired what had previously been the third largest voting machine company in the U.S., Sequoia Voting Systems.

Not surprisingly, that late Friday announcement didn’t say anything at all about “competition”.

Worse, as The BRAD BLOG has confirmed, the new press release from Dominion simply lied about what the company has and hasn’t purchased from Sequoia, a company which had lied themselves, for years, about the real ownership of its proprietary voting systems.

Given the enormous share of the U.S. voting “market” now potentially controlled by Dominion — and the now-customary revolving door between public and private officials in the “election industry” which now places former Diebold/Premier officials, former Sequoia officials, and even former state election officials at the helm of the private, little-known Canadian firm — it comes as no surprise that Dominion would hope few in the public actually noticed their sudden acquisition of e-voting assets from some 50% of the U.S. “voting market”.

So You would expect us to believe in the validity of the Dominion voting machines and accept that the elections was fair and transparent?
I've also noticed your not posting links to your statements, only requiring us to believe what you say is factual without any chance of us fact checking your comments like we are supposed to believe in the Dominion voting machines?


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I'm not a member of the georgia SoS office, so i do not know. I'm sure you could ask them, though.

However it's not just the media saying it was fair, but Trump's own appointees.
Perhaps you could elaborate, but your response has zero to do with what I posted and you quoted.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
If by 'my side' do mean the Republican controlled state of Georgia?

You mean the corrupt republican governor who received special benefits from Dominion voting systems that is now in hiding and won't answer questions?
No, specifically I was referring to your side which is the dimocrat party that is hiding information and not allowing a forensic analysis of the machines, not allowing poll watchers to do their jobs against Georgia law yet nobody has stepped forward in Georgia to prosecute those that violated the election laws.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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You mean the corrupt republican governor who received special benefits from Dominion voting systems that is now in hiding and won't answer questions?
No, specifically I was referring to your side which is the dimocrat party that is hiding information and not allowing a forensic analysis of the machines, not allowing poll watchers to do their jobs against Georgia law yet nobody has stepped forward in Georgia to prosecute those that violated the election laws.
Dennis, you're kind of getting your poll watcher non-facts in Pennsylvania mixed-up with your poll watcher non facts in Georgia all mixed-up


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
More untruths and more examples of how false narratives grow and spread.

Georgia commissioned a third party forensic audit of random voting machines across the state after the election. They used a company named Pro V&V, and conducted the audit in cooperation with the Department of Homeland Security and other cyber entities. Pro V&V is certified to conduct forensic audits of this type by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.
Really? Who is spouting the false narratives and fake news? You perhaps?
Its now coming out that an executive at a non profit that assisted in the Georgia "audit" has a history of anti-Trump tweets and constantly expresses his hatred of the President.
In 2018 Ben Adida was quoted as saying fawk Donald Trump and all his enablers!! Then adding the GOP is rotten to the core because of the SCOTUS pick.
I'm sure that transcribed into a "fair and transparent" audit?
He was recently hired by the Georgia Secretary of state as an official in the election process. He then assisted in the "audit" you bragged on to be fair and transparent because it was a government agency. Whaaaaat??? The government that raked Trump over the coals for 4 years and been found wrong every time?
You want me to believe this third party is non political and non biased during it's audit?
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 1, 2012
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@dennishoddy, @KarinCA, and others, thank you for backing up your talking points with reference material. For those of us that are wrapping our head around this situation and applying some simple common sense, it gets frustrating when other's proclaim NO EVIDENCE!! By the way, sworn affidavits, given under penalty of perjury, are 100% evidence in ANY court in the United States. We are in the hundreds upon hundreds of affidavits being submitted, most of which have seen yet, because again, we aren't the ones in court. It seems that the case should be tried in the court of their living room, rather than a court of law. Are Trump's legal council going to go on national news and broadcast all of their evidence before they present it in court, of course not. There isn't a single attorney worth their salt that gives away their entire case, before they present their case! That's like asking a football coach to give the opposing team their playbook. They are letting some of it out because the court of public opinion is very powerful, and anyone with an ounce of common sense can look at what's going on and see that there is foul play afoot.

This image keeps coming to mind when I read this thread:


Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
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Oxford, MS
@dennishoddy, @KarinCA, and others, thank you for backing up your talking points with reference material. For those of us that are wrapping our head around this situation and applying some simple common sense, it gets frustrating when other's proclaim NO EVIDENCE!! By the way, sworn affidavits, given under penalty of perjury, are 100% evidence in ANY court in the United States. We are in the hundreds upon hundreds of affidavits being submitted, most of which have seen yet, because again, we aren't the ones in court. It seems that the case should be tried in the court of their living room, rather than a court of law. Are Trump's legal council going to go on national news and broadcast all of their evidence before they present it in court, of course not. There isn't a single attorney worth their salt that gives away their entire case, before they present their case! That's like asking a football coach to give the opposing team their playbook. They are letting some of it out because the court of public opinion is very powerful, and anyone with an ounce of common sense can look at what's going on and see that there is foul play afoot.

This image keeps coming to mind when I read this thread:

While they are evidence, affidavits are not always viewed as proof. For example (again), judges in different locations have already ruled that one person's affidavit saying 'oh i saw a truck with an out of state plate delivering ballots' can simply be that the person did not understand what they saw. Why? Because it was viewed against another affidavit from the election official to pointed out that they used a rental truck to deliver the official ballots and that yes, it did have an out of a state tag.

What the first person attested to was true as they saw it, but lacked context and was not 'proof' of what they thought they saw.

One reason to 'let it out in the court of public opinion' is because the evidence they keep presenting in court is being held to a high standard, which groups like lawmakers do not seemingly need. Presenting the 'evidence', without the chance that anyone would question the material, offer alternative explanations, or require evidence that a court might scrutinize makes perfect sense as a strategy.

So far almost everything presented in court has come up short, and recounts are proving fruitless (even helping Biden), so why not take a new approach and do an end run around the courts.

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