Active Shooter on OU campus?

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Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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Glad it turned out as it did. There was a lot of drama, soon we'll hear of all the emotional trauma, and it's a good bet many parents and students will be changing their mind/calling for more gun control. After all to some people's "logic" if we just banned guns we'd know it had to be something else because there'd be no more shootings.

Raido Free America

Radio Free America
Special Hen
Jan 24, 2020
Reaction score
Tulsa, OK.
Is it completely obvious to everyone, that these SPOILED BRATS, feed off the news media, and DO THESE HORRENDOUS ACTS, to get attention? Everytime one of these MASS MURDERS happens, there is always a rash of them to follow, right? I for one think, this has a lot to do with the SPOILED BRAT mentality we (parents, teachers, society,TV etc.) have been PROGRAMED to adopt! We have all witnessed how potentially good normal kids, have been totally ruined by SPOILING THEM, and how they all inverably become even more WORTHLESS ADULTS, RIGHT? They ALL DEMAND ATTENTION, WATCH HOMOSEXUALS, TRANSGENDER, SEX ADDICTS, CHILD MOLESTERS, BESTIALITY, DEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS, AND ALL OTHER PERVERTS, AS THEY ALL FLAUNT THEMSELVES TO GET PUBLIC ATTENTION, RIGHT? I submit this is rooted in the very same thing, be SPOILED BRATS, AND DEMANDING ATTENTION, AND BEING WILLING TO DO ANYTHING TO GET IT? The GREATEST GENERATION, was also THE LEAST SPOILED GENERATION, DUE TO THE GREAT DEPRESSION, RIGHT?

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