Did I just witness a war crime?

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Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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Never mind all the times Russian and China have financed and outright interfered in our elections plus Mexico and Canada. Yes boys and girls it is not just the US that does it. EVERYONE does it. Even our friends try to influence our elections.


Hoist the black flag.
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Aug 13, 2012
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All I saw was good old fashioned war being fought, kinda how we won WWII and why we haven't won a war since then . When you play by rules and they other side doesn't you always end up losing .
Americans have been spoiled by precision guided munitions and minimizing civilian casualties. We haven't fought a peer adversary since 1945 and all anyone really understands anymore is fighting desert people and cave dwellers while taking minimal losses. If and when we fight China this country is in for a wake up call.


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Oct 9, 2012
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Never mind all the times Russian and China have financed and outright interfered in our elections plus Mexico and Canada. Yes boys and girls it is not just the US that does it. EVERYONE does it. Even our friends try to influence our elections.
Which friends would that be?


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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
I gave you a like for your reasoned response. There is, however, an important 75% of what went on not exposed in the video. What, if anything, did the tank commander say over his loudspeaker to those soldiers waving the white flag(s)? If those waving what appears to be white flags refused to respond to the tank commander's orders, that right there is good cause to eliminate the enemy and avoid falling for some form of trickery, or a trap, or a mine.

Just out there speculating and harvesting food for thought. There is likely a whole lot more to this and any other such similar events on either side.

I hold firmly to my initial assessment.

My dad was a Marine and he told me war was hell...I absolutely agree that there could always be more to the story for anything we see in the media or even raw chunks of video. The russians could have even been trying to trick them. I personally don't think I could pull the tank trigger if I could see them surrendering but I didn't even watch the vid and was responding on principle.

Despite the Maidan rebellion (that we engineered and funded along with George Soros), once the new gov't was installed in Ukraine, Russia lost the moral high ground in the media and with most people by invading Ukraine. It destabilized the world, but I think our reaction has made things worse for Ukrainians. Early in the war and then again in March of last year, Ukraine was ready to try and achieve a peace deal and NATO derailed it. Throwing gas on a fire has led to the deaths of MANY more people than would have happened if we had not pumped in tax money and weapons and forced Ukraine to keep fighting a proxy war.

My liberal stepdad told me that he would rather have a nuclear war than a corrupt foreign land have to give up 1 inch of territory to the Russians including territories that were historically part of Russia and are 90% Russian/Russian speaking. I don't understand why so many conservatives share that mentality...we are the realists, we don't run on emotion. We can either bankrupt ourselves to defend the Biden family allies and/or escalate to nuclear conflict, or we can/could offer humanitarian aide and offer to host peace talks to negotiate a settlement. Too many of "our side" is being duped into ignoring the reasons that led to the invasion and how we did worse in Iraq and nobody went to prison. Peace should be the desired outcome if a settlement can be reached. Blowing up 100% of Ukraine isn't worth saving land that is already occupied by ethnic Russians that hate the Ukrainian gov't. The whole situation sucks.


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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
How did Zelinsky attack ethnic Russians almost a decade prior to becoming president?
The "new" Ukrainian gov't and the way it came to be started a civil war in the East of Ukraine that raged on since 2014 or so...Zelinsy continued this policy when he was elected. Russia among other things requested this to stop as it was happening right on their border and 10's of thousands of ethnic Russians have died as well as Ukrainians in that conflict before the invasion ever occurred.

I don't have to be a sellout to point out that if Russian went to Canada and sponsored a coup and installed a Russian friendly new Canadian gov't, which then started a civil war on our Norther border between pro US and pro Russian Canadians, that lasted for years, that we would not intervene in some way. You and I both know this is true.

The facts are all that matter...If I go to a bar and an acquaintance there starts a fight, I am not going to die to defend him...If he is attacked unprovoked, then he might have more of my sympathies and willingness to act.

Obama refused to arm Ukraine because he didn't want to escalate tensions with Russia...Trump came in and gave them heavy weapons which escalated tensions with Russia. Now Trump is 100% alone in calling for a peace deal and Obama's VP is now escalating and giving heavy weapons to Ukraine. That is what you call chaotic leadership and an upside down world...just sayin'

I was 100% against the invasion and I think the USA could lead by honoring our promises of the past to Russia as well as trying to get a peace deal of some kind.


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Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
I met a young man from Ukraine not long ago. Nice young man in his early 30s and interesting to talk to. He lives in FL and said he came to the US legally 7 years ago and is now a US citizen. He works as an owner/operator truck driver. We talked at length about his country and this war. He had nothing good to say about Ukraine and said this war was nothing more than about money. He said if Putin really wanted to take it, he would have done it in a week.
Interesting take but what do I know.

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