Wont happen. Too many FUDS in the NRAI recommend those of you with ballots write in Philip Journey of Wichita, KS. He was on the board and was critical of WLP and was informed in September on 2022 that he would not be renominated to the board of directors. Does anyone here know the nominee from OKC Mark E. Vaughn?
The NRA members do elect the board and most members are so frustrated with it's direction. But the interests of the majority are frustrated by those in control of who is nominated to the board.
I think we could get WLP out if we could organize some dissident right in candidates. It'll be a long battle and I'm sure there is not enough time to do anything on this ballot but I plan to write in Philip Journey so they will at least know where I stand.
NRA Board Moves to Keep Dissident Member Off Ballot
Another critic of National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre is being pushed out of the organization.thereload.com