Anadarko Mazzos ,= layoff/ cant pay their rent

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Special Hen
Nov 24, 2009
Reaction score
Yukon, Oklahoma, United States
When I got caught in a oilfield slow down early 2009 I showed up to work like everyday, at 9 got paged to the front office and was handed a pink slip, half the shop got let go that day, no warning. I have been caught up in 4 or 5 layoffs at different jobs. Not one of them did we get any type of warning. Thats just how it is, it sucks but what can you do. Draw your check and head to the unemployment office. The sun comes up the next morning and life goes on.


Special Hen
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
When I got caught in a oilfield slow down early 2009 I showed up to work like everyday, at 9 got paged to the front office and was handed a pink slip, half the shop got let go that day, no warning. I have been caught up in 4 or 5 layoffs at different jobs. Not one of them did we get any type of warning. Thats just how it is, it sucks but what can you do. Draw your check and head to the unemployment office. The sun comes up the next morning and life goes on.
Ive been laid off twice, one was delayed about 6 months when they said you can keep same pay/benefits and go to my other company and weld for me or i can let you go right now, i took the offer they gave me. Out of the 20 people they laid off that day i was the only one who they kept around until the other company slowed way down. The place i went to after that i worked there for about 6 months then one day i went in the office and they took my company gas card and keys to the van and offered me a ride home. Now i have a good job with some decent amount of job security i get paid well and i enjoy going to work every day, the way i look at it is getting laid off has been the best thing that ever happened to me.


Jul 5, 2011
Reaction score
If you choose to pursue a job that requires anything beyond a basic job application, make sure you have it reviewed/edited before you submit it. I have been a hiring manager and if your resume arrived in the same condition as this post, it would quickly find the round file. Please consider this a gentle nudge to work on those skills so they don't keep you in minimum-wage jobs.

yea thanks for the heads up i have been working on my word application and other . Its just texting improper messes me up and it sticks with me and seem to abbreviate everything


Jul 5, 2011
Reaction score
im gonna go out on a limb and guess your younger, so its not the end of the world.

If your not younger then I apologize and good luck.

yea im 23 and lol i feel like a ass posting about my job and stuff just trying to get post count up . and yae i know its not the end. ill have to just get out there and get me a job

Cedar Creek

Special Hen
May 31, 2010
Reaction score
SW Oklahoma
Anadarko is a tough place for a young person to get started - there are entry level jobs at the fast food places, but they don't have much future. Wal-Mart should be hiring seasonal help this time of year. Tough time of the year to look for farm work, but you could put your info on an index card and post it at the co-op in Apache and Chickasha. I know there is some oil patch stuff going on, but don't know where you get started in that business. Sometimes Caddo Electric hires new workers in the springtime on their right-of-way crews and they have a chance ot work up. Western Electric & PSO are great jobs, but hard to get. BIA is a big employer for the area - pretty much gotta have a CDIB to get in there.

If you're interested in a fast-food job in Anadarko I recommend Subway - the owner is the culinary arts instructor @ Caddo-Kiowa Tech Center in Ft. Cobb and good guy to work for. Have you thought about joining the military? Great place to get training, skills and a lot of the intangibles that are needed to succeed in life.

Good Luck!

Cedar Creek


Special Hen
Jun 26, 2011
Reaction score
Warr Acres
What about the business owner that lost everything they had when the business had to shut it's doors? Are they the ones doing the hurting or are they hurt when everything they invested is gone and thier home & security is at stake. That's an awfully one sided arguement, seeing as how everyone involved loses when a local business close the doors.

I've been an employee, a service manager, and now a business owner. I have always gave a notice when I quit somewhere except when I quit my last job as a manager. I offered but was leaving to start my own business and would essentially be the competition. We discussed it and decided it might be best if I left. I brought the owner up to speed on all unfinished business and we are friends to this day. He was going through a divorce, moral was in the trash, and their fighting over money was causing bills to not get paid. I couldn't take it anymore.

You know last time I checked, going into business is a big risk and alot of stress. It's the most rewarding thing I have ever done though.

If the guy doesn't have respect for his employees and treat them right, chances are he didn't take care of his customers either. He may deserve to fail. Just saying...

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