I got an assortment of bullets and had a question on bullet size for 9mm.
Generally you go a size up when shooting lead right? Like generally I shoot .355” copper plated bullets. So if I was to do lead it would be .356”?
But what about shooting semi copper jacketed bullets that measure at .356”?
I have some 124gr .356 lead boolits and some 125gr .356 semi copper jacket boolits. They both ok for 9mm?
Generally you go a size up when shooting lead right? Like generally I shoot .355” copper plated bullets. So if I was to do lead it would be .356”?
But what about shooting semi copper jacketed bullets that measure at .356”?
I have some 124gr .356 lead boolits and some 125gr .356 semi copper jacket boolits. They both ok for 9mm?