Battle Road Zombie Shoot - Davilla, Texas

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Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
The event is run by a couple of really cool dudes, and there are a lot of really great people on the RO staff. Hanging out with all of them Friday night after the RO run is always a great time. Hanging out with all the cool people who come to these events is half the fun of Run 'n Gun in my opinion.

As for the course, it was a lot of fun. It is 4 miles, and they always have lots of cool obstacles along the way. This time they added a zip line going over a scummy old pond. They had just gotten some rain, so the creeks were up and there was some mud and water to traverse. This event is fairly pistol-heavy compared to other Run 'n Gun events like Pawnee and Pecos... there are 4 pistol stages, 3 rifle stages, and one where you use both. All the rifle targets are 250 yards and under, and not particularly small... so trajectory is not an issue, but speed is very important. Most of the stages have several firing positions, so there is lots of sprinting from position to position. In particular, there is a hoser stage for rifle with 40 close range paper targets spread throughout several gravel pits that all have to be engaged once. Hits aren't counted, so it basically incintivizes shooting as fast as you can. The pits are spaced out quite a bit, and you have to run all the way back to the start point to end your time, so it wore me out pretty good. Also this is the second to last stage, so I was pretty tired going in. I tripped and fell while running out of the first pit, and skinned up my knees and elbow... also on another rifle stage, I burned the crap out of the top of my fingers on my left hand when I laid my very warm pencil barrel across them while trying to get up from prone. I was definitely sporting some battle scars after this. I shot pretty well overall until the very last stage, which I DQed -- it is a lot like the "junkyard" stage at Pawnee, with 9 firing positions haiving to shoot through all sorts of awkward cover and barricades. You have to make one hit on a 20" gong at 250 yards at each position. The kicker is that if you miss more than 3 times at any one position, you're done. I was doing great until the sixth position, which shouldn't have been the hardest one by any means. I was down on my knees shooting through a narrow slat, and just couldn't connect. I fired 3 misses in a row, calling a good sight picture all 3 times. It was a target that I could probably hit 100 out of 100 times on a normal day at the range... but as anybody who has ever done one of these events knows, your abilities are significantly reduced when you are hot, sweaty, tired, beat up, and out of breath. That is why Run 'n Gun is such great training. Anyway, I had a great time and definitely plan on making all of these that I can. Here is what I looked like when I finished:



Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
Reaction score
I agree, it was great fun - the course down there is a little easier than Pawnee, but, hey- they're Texans.
The shooting is fast and furious,lots of movement, high round count. I DQ'd on the last stage as well, no excuse for it, really - just got in a hurry, and didn't get a solid position.

The landowner and all the staff down there really make you feel at home, and the fellowship and friendly attitude is great.
If someone's on the fence about trying runngun for the first time, this would be a great event to start with. The land is flat, there's a lot of woods (so you're not in the sun as much) - and the longest shot is 250 yards.

Also - if you're headed down there (the next event is in Oct) - stop in Waco at Taqueria Zacatecas, and try a torta or some tacos. Hensch and I stopped there on the way home, and it's definitely one of the better road trip discoveries we've made.


Special Hen
Mar 11, 2013
Reaction score
Pearland, TX
I really enjoyed this run. There was more crossing small streams and mud than I expected. Like the other guys said very pistol heavy and max rifle ranges of about 250 yds. I also really enjoyed talking to the guys putting on the run. I will actually be moving to the area in June and hope to take some of their classes. I would definitely recommend this run to anybody who is on the fence.

I will also try the taco place in Waco next time I pass through!

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