Burn, Loot & Murder is a Marxist terror organization formed for the express purpose of "overthrowing" white supremacy, patriarchy, capitalism, and the nuclear family (that's what you get with an outfit founded by Marxist queers). Their campaign has nothing to do with police violence, and everything to do with the organization's desire to overthrow white supremacy, patriarchy, and capitalism, all of which, according to Burn, Loot & Murder propaganda, depend upon the "police state" for their existence. Disband or defund the police, so the Marxist queer thinking goes, and the stage is set for the overthrow of everything else they hate. They are convinced that society as we know it cannot survive without support from the police/security apparatus, and that is exactly why they focus relentlessly on limiting, disbanding, or defunding police departments around the country. Don't be fooled by the various "protests" they support--these are simply means to a much larger end.