Yeah if they are the same as KE Arms they aren't your typical polymer lower.FYI, GWACS sold off the design and KE Arms is making the monolithic polymer lower now.
Yeah if they are the same as KE Arms they aren't your typical polymer lower.FYI, GWACS sold off the design and KE Arms is making the monolithic polymer lower now.
FWIW, GWACS is not particularly popular in some circles because they sued the makers of the WWSD (What Would Stoner Do) polymer AR. Ian at Forgotten Weapons and the dude from Runkle of the Bailey both had extensive coverage of the case. IIRC, GWACS lost the case just recently, but I haven’t really been following it.
The OP posted this long enough ago that he has forgotten how much he eventually sold it for. Appreciate all the input though...The OP better lock down this thread before the AR’s value goes any lower.
The OP posted this long enough ago that he has forgotten how much he eventually sold it for. Appreciate all the input though...
Shoot I didn't even look revived from the deadThe OP posted this long enough ago that he has forgotten how much he eventually sold it for. Appreciate all the input though...
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