CBS News Political Director to Barack Obama: Destroy the GOP

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Special Hen
Dec 22, 2012
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John Dickerson is the political director at CBS News. It’s an important and prestigious position because the political director’s observations – on the air and in internal conversations with correspondents and producers – influence how political events, like presidential elections, are covered. The political director at a mainstream news organization like CBS News has to be impartial, fair and objective.

But John Dickerson has another job. This one is at the liberal on-line magazine Slate, where his title “chief political correspondent.” In that role, he can write columns and offer opinions, which in the news business often masquerade as “analysis.” Whatever you call it, it’s not down the middle, just the facts ma’am reporting.

The other day Dickerson wrote a piece for Slate under the catchy headline, “Go for the Throat!” The sub-headline was more explicit. It read: “Why if he wants to transform American politics, Obama must declare war on the Republican Party.”

Here’s part of what Dickerson wrote:

“Enhancing the president’s legacy requires something more than simply the clever application of predictable stratagems. Washington’s partisan rancor, the size of the problems facing government, and the limited amount of time before Obama is a lame duck all point to a single conclusion: The president who came into office speaking in lofty terms about bipartisanship and cooperation can only cement his legacy if he destroys the GOP. If he wants to transform American politics, he must go for the throat.”

“Obama’s only remaining option is to pulverize,” he continued. “Whether he succeeds in passing legislation or not, given his ambitions, his goal should be to delegitimize his opponents. Through a series of clarifying fights over controversial issues, he can force Republicans to either side with their coalition’s most extreme elements or cause a rift in the party that will leave it, at least temporarily, in disarray.”

Let’s review: John Dickerson is advising President Obama to destroy the GOP, to go for the throat, to pulverize Republicans, to delegitimize them, and to leave them in disarray.

And his day job is political director of CBS News.

Full Story

Yet some would have you believe the mainstream media such as CBS is unbiased and FOX isn't a real news source because they are biased.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 20, 2011
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South West, OK
To me that does seem like analysis - he took into account, the President's stated (and conflicting) goals, his useful time before the focus becomes his successor(s) i.e. when he becomes a Lame Duck, and the current political gridlock in Washington and then gave his analysis of what the President will have to do to meet his goals.

He also may happen want the President to do it - but this doesn't seem to have been written as a "rah-rah" piece. Just because one doesn't like the analysis doesn't mean it is nasty partisanship.


Special Hen
Nov 6, 2012
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Obama doesn't need to delegitimize his opponents in the GOP. The GOP is bound and determined to do it for him at this point! :(

We do have to bear in mind that mass media tends to place emphasis on the GOps' mistakes, while giving the Dem's free hall passes.

We're seeing all kindsa' stupid statements on here via YouTube in regards to Feinstein, Jessie Jackson, etc., that never makes it to the mainstream media.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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Do you realize what you just saw? You just saw Bernard Goldberg ALMOST write an entire collumn without puting the grinder to his tiney axe.Remember that time in the last century that CBS hurt Bernard Goldberg's feelings?

It takes him longer and longer to get to it these days. Paragraph 16 this time, I think.
He's making progress. I wish him well.


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2009
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Do you realize what you just saw? You just saw Bernard Goldberg ALMOST write an entire collumn without puting the grinder to his tiney axe.Remember that time in the last century that CBS hurt Bernard Goldberg's feelings?

It takes him longer and longer to get to it these days. Paragraph 16 this time, I think.
He's making progress. I wish him well.

:drunk: Yeah, Ol' Bernie's been upset evar since they took his jug of Commie Haterade. Of course, his mind cleared and now he can see to sharpen his axe. Hopefully, he will apply it in a moar proficient manner in the future.

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