What is a CMO? A Congressional Medal Of?
It's for females, Congressional Medal Onner ( pronounced on-her) duh! But, only when said woman is wearing the medal, any other time it's a offer.
What is a CMO? A Congressional Medal Of?
how would it look on the international scene if there was film footage of a kid wandering around the Oval Office in a t-shirt?
Thomas Norris has far and above laid his life on the line for the United States to go anywhere in any "clothing" that he chooses to wear.
The "clothing" issue was not even his, it was the grandson wearing a Tshirt with his own grandfathers image on it. His grandfather Vernon Baker http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vernon_Baker had also received the CMO for his actions in WWII.
"And respect the office or the building in this case"?
Do you think for a minute those in that office, current and previous that have not ever laid it on the line are good enough to even be there?
Compaired to Thomas Norris or Vernon Baker MOST of the politicians holding office don't even compare. It's men like Norris and Baker that have kept this country free and have helped others live free in their countries.
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