- Is this item for sale?
- For Sale
- Sale Price
- 2000$
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- Looking for nice PVS 14 with cash on my end. Always interested in foreign rifles and ammo 762x39, 308, 357, 30 carbine pretty much any ammo
- Caliber
- 357 Rem Max
- Location
- Edmond, Oklahoma, United States
Dan Wesson model 40 Supermag .357 Maximum/Rem Max. also chambers .357 Magnum, 38 spl
Very cool and well crafted monster of a revolver.
Was taken good care of by previous owner has been shot plenty but is in great condition sight but of bluing has been wore off the right side of the frame. All other bluing is near perfect. Comes with 102 rounds of .357 Rem Max hollow points, 18 cases, Leupold M8-2x extended E.R scope, original extra 8" barrel, barrel tool original manuals and cylinder gap slip gauge. Will meet up in the city or Logan county
Very cool and well crafted monster of a revolver.
Was taken good care of by previous owner has been shot plenty but is in great condition sight but of bluing has been wore off the right side of the frame. All other bluing is near perfect. Comes with 102 rounds of .357 Rem Max hollow points, 18 cases, Leupold M8-2x extended E.R scope, original extra 8" barrel, barrel tool original manuals and cylinder gap slip gauge. Will meet up in the city or Logan county