Is there a vaccine for this?
Being a democrat is a serious disease.,...No amount of Covid booster shots will fix it
Is there a vaccine for this?
Sometime after death a lifelong republican will become a democrat!Being a democrat is a serious disease.,...No amount of Covid booster shots will fix it
Did Hamas actually think they could win, or did they deliberately MURDER all these Israelis in the most brutal, horrible way imaginable, in an effort to get the IDF to retaliate, and BUTCHER Palestinian civilians, to gain public sympathy, and win the PR war? What ever it was, these goat humpers are not very bright, and not long for this world!! One news report last night, said that Hamas had a Gaza neighborhood, pined down with mortar fire, to prevent them from fleeing. The IDS had to go in and eliminate these Hamas fighters, and evacuate these Palestinian civilians, and save them from their own forces? I'm glad to see the news media reporting the TRUTH, or at least closer than usual to the truth, so far!!What happened to the jihad thread?
After all the chatter I was kinda waiting for it…
Maybe the IDF is keeping hamas busy.
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! That would attract these Goat Humpers!! Do you have a blind set up?
I think all the goat humpers are at the guys house that has the sex toy of a GOAT, WITH IT'S REAR FACING THE CAMERA, (ABOVE) IN HIS YARD? We need to remember this tactic, just in case they invade the USA!! Just set one of these up near your tree stand, if we ever have open season on TERRORIST?I guess the day of rage been extended through the weekend. Next it’ll be the week of rage.
Did Hamas actually think they could win
Dying is winning for them so yea they may win!Islamists do not define "winning" as we do.
Sometime after death a lifelong republican will become a democrat!